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The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations et mémoires


10 483 The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations gratuites 1 - 25 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 19 Mars 2017
  • The Power Of The Media

    The Power Of The Media

    The power of the media If we look at the power of the media for example we can see how much it can influence the public opinion. The mass media plays an important role in forming our personality, enriching our knowledge, providing us with information of any kind. Mass media can have an effect on our personal identity: it can help us to feel that we are part of a group (social networks) but on

    385 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Seats and forms of power : how important is the power of the media over today's society and how far can it go ?

    Seats and forms of power : how important is the power of the media over today's society and how far can it go ?

    Seats and forms of power The traditional three powers are legislative, executive and judicial powers. They are the basis of modern democratic systems as notably structured by Montesquieu in his famous power separation doctrin. Progressively, new powers have influenced people. They are known as the fourth and the fifth power. The fourth power is the power of the media and the press. The fifth power is the power of the economic system or the power

    793 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The power of social media in politics, the example of Donald Trump

    The power of social media in politics, the example of Donald Trump

    Hello, this is your daily politics analysis, you are on BBC news, we're glad to welcome you here today. I am Marguerite-Marie du Pontavice. Now, let's start discussing the link connecting power, media, and politics, especially with the example of the 2016 election in the USA. Nowadays, the internet is substantial, particularly during election time. First, we can talk about the concept of a feedback loop. I am going to explain to you this new

    318 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: What is the power of the press and what relations it will maintain with its readers?

    Places and forms of power: What is the power of the press and what relations it will maintain with its readers?

    We studied the topic of "places and forms of power" that talks about the different types of power, we have focused on the press and the power which can have. For this we will first study the major newspapers that exists in British then we will comment the danger is the internet to the press and we would end up studying what a journalist he has the power and influence among the population. What is

    479 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the power of the press

    Places and forms of power: the power of the press

    Places and forms of power: The power of the press I am going to talk today about the notion of places and forms of power and illustrate this notion with the power of the press. To begin with I would like first to define this notion: « Places » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace – a symbol of the British monarchy, the White

    714 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: The power of the press

    Places and forms of power: The power of the press

    laces and forms of power : The power of the press Intrdocution : I am going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : the power is the ability to control people, it’s a force exerted or capable of being exerted. It can be exerted by justice, government or media… « Places » could be important buildings or institutions which represent a certain

    776 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The idea of progress - oral BAC anglais LV1

    The idea of progress - oral BAC anglais LV1

    The idea of progress I am going to present the notion about “Progress” First, I would like to define progress. Progress is an evolution, and more precisely a change towards betterment. There are many forms of progress such as social scientific or technological progress. So far, there has been much progress over time. Technology has improved and Design has been upgraded. Each progress is followed by another. Most of the time, progress has positive aspects

    476 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The power of attitude (document anglais)

    The power of attitude (document anglais)

    Power of Attitude Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but by how we react to what happens; not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst...a spark that creates extraordinary results. Excellence Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others

    1 136 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Places and formes of power: The power of media

    Places and formes of power: The power of media

    ________________ Places and forms of power I’m going to deal with the notion “Places and forms of power”. First, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Power is the ability to exercise authority and influence over others. It can be exerted in different spheres: economy, politics, media… In relation to the notion, the topic of my presentation will be the power of media. We know that Medias or press have a huge role

    1 588 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the influence of the media

    Places and forms of power: the influence of the media

    Places and forms of power The influence of the media I’m going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. Firstly I would give a definition of that notion : Power : Is the ability to influence the behavior of people. Can help to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when the authority seems absolute, counter-powers can appeared to resist in front of this excessive authority. Media

    615 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Places and Forms of power « Places » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace. A place can also be a country or a state –  for example the USA is a state which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world (superpower) and China is a major economic power in today’s world. « Power » is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to

    366 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion anglais, Locations and forms of power: the power of money

    Notion anglais, Locations and forms of power: the power of money

    INTRODUCTION I'm going to talk about the notion of Locations and forms of power, and first of all, i would like to give a definition of this following notion. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems

    637 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Place and forms of power Introduction: I will introduce the concept of "place and form of power". The place and form of power can be referred to symbolic places of power. There are different types of powers as the political, economic, social power or family. We can ask: "What is the power of the media ?" and "What are the different forms of resistance ?" Firstly we'll see the power of the media and then,

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Locations and forms of power: the power of media

    Locations and forms of power: the power of media

    I’m going to deal with the notion « Places and forms of power ». First, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion. Power is the ability to exercice authority and influence over others of course a society need laws and rules so people can leave together; this is going to create social harmony, social cphesion but sometime people can disagree and you’re a fine social tension. It can be exerted in different spheres

    477 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral Bac Anglais LV1 Locations and Forms of Powers

    Oral Bac Anglais LV1 Locations and Forms of Powers

    Locations and Forms of Powers: Intro : I'm going to talk about the notion Locations and forms of powers. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of this notion : the notion of locations and forms of powers talking about politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. Location is where this power

    319 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse notion Seats and form of power ; The power of media.

    Synthèse notion Seats and form of power ; The power of media.

    Synthèse notion I : Seats and form of power ; The power of media. I’m going to talk to you about the notion of seats and forms of power, more precisely the power of media. I. Freedom of speech… Firstly, the freedom of speech is the right to express one’s opinions without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty. Freedom of speech concerns in particular the press. Freedom of speech for the media is a right which

    599 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Lol The Power Of Lol

    Lol The Power Of Lol

    « lol » est utilisé dans le jargon internaute, notamment dans le contexte de la messagerie instantanée, des forums de discussion (Usenet d'abord puis forums web) et du courrier électronique afin d'accélérer l'écriture et ponctuer un propos. Il permet de signifier rapidement qu'un message lu, ou une situation, est trouvé drôle. En français, le terme « lol » est également utilisé dans le but de souligner une remarque, exprimer une surprise, sans que celle-ci soit

    299 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Powers of the Queen.

    Powers of the Queen.

    Queen Elizabeth took office in february 6th 1952 and was crowned in June 2th 1953 at abbey of westminster. It therefore 64 years she reign. Queen Elizabeth de second is currently the one that ruled the longest, setting a record of her back great grandmother, Queen victoria. We may wonder whether what is true power of the queen of england. It was in July/August 924 appears the first king of england and also the first

    466 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The power of money

    The power of money

    The power of money Thank you very much, it’s a pleasure to be here in the United Nations Headquarters and most of all its my pleasure and my honor to welcome you all here. So let me start this speech off by introducing myself, my name is Jack Napier and I’m here today as the CEO of the Fair Trade organization so as to present to you today about our issues of the power of

    791 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: what is the evolution of the different forms of power in India?

    Places and forms of power: what is the evolution of the different forms of power in India?

    Anglais * Lieux et forme de pouvoir Introduction : I’m going to present places and forms of power. We’re going to study which forms of power exist in a specific place and how they are applied. I choose the example of India, India is an emerging country and the second most populous country in the world. There are a lot of inequalities in the Indian society. What is the evolution of the different forms of

    640 Mots / 3 Pages
  • People and places of power, The remains of the day

    People and places of power, The remains of the day

    People and places of power 1. The remains of the day was released in 1993 by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. This drama was based on the novel “The Remains of the day” written by Kazuo Ishiguro in 1989. The two main characters are Mr. Steven, the butler of Darlington Hall (played by Anthony Hopkins) and Miss Kenton, the housekeeper of Darlington Hall (played by Emma Thompson). Another important character would be Lord Darlington (played by James

    497 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The power of image

    The power of image

    During the 18th century, philosophers and writers tried to break the vicious circle of ignorance. Rather then to always rely on religion or the power of the King to justify some ideas and concepts, they started using a scientific approach to promote tolerance, progress, and individual liberties. This intellectual movement led to people questioning the statements given by the institutions of this time. Nowadays, with televisions and computers, the media is trying to influence the

    438 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The power of music

    The power of music

    What is music for you ? How can you link it to the notion of power ? The sentence « music has charms to soothe the savage breast » reminds about the power of a song on a mind. That's why I often listen to all kinds of music : in the street, in the shower, in my bed, I listen to music everywhere ! First, when I walk alone in the street, or when I take the bas or the

    641 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Location et forms of power : How can you reach and keep power and what can be the consequencies of the quest of power ?

    Location et forms of power : How can you reach and keep power and what can be the consequencies of the quest of power ?

    Anglais ppc I’ am going to talk about the notion locations and forms of power so let me give a definition of power. Power is the ability or official capacity to exercise control, authority like the state, the government or political organization. Its also a person , a group or a nation who have a lot of influence or control over others. To illustrate the notion i have chosen to deal with tv series and

    508 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: What are the limits of exchanges through the power of money and the technology ?

    Spaces and exchanges: What are the limits of exchanges through the power of money and the technology ?

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES I’m going to give a definition of this notion. It’s the idea of giving one thing and receiving another one in return. These exchanges correspond to a movement and they can take several forms like economic, technological, cultural or people. There are spaces of different natures like virtual or geographical. The exchanges can evolve over the time. What are the limits of exchanges through the power of money and the technology ?

    465 Mots / 2 Pages

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