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The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations et mémoires


10 483 The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations gratuites 76 - 100 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 19 Mars 2017
  • The Black Rider, the casting of the 12 magic bullets, mis-en-scène par Robert Wilson

    The Black Rider, the casting of the 12 magic bullets, mis-en-scène par Robert Wilson

    Marine DAVID 09/11/2016 L3 – Arts de la scène Les ruptures esthétiques The Black Rider, the casting of the 12 magic bullets, mis-en-scène par Robert Wilson Wiener Festwochen, 1990 PLAN Introduction Comment Robert Wilson a-t-il fait d’un conte commun une œuvre très singulière ? I. Une œuvre singulière par son genre A/ La porosité des genres théâtraux B/ La dissolution du temps C/ Le minimalisme de l’espace II. Le bouleversement de la parole A/ Un

    3 419 Mots / 14 Pages
  • How compatible is the freedom of the press with celebrities' right to privacy?

    How compatible is the freedom of the press with celebrities' right to privacy?

    * How compatible is the freedom of the press with celebrities’ right to privacy ? * * Freedom of the press is an essential right for the actual society. Freedom of the media is the freedom of communication and expression. Press is a source of entertainment and information for people around the world. They want to know what’s going on around the world. Some prefer gossips medias. This is where freedom of the press and

    373 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Manchester United Oral Bac Anglais

    Manchester United Oral Bac Anglais

    Manchester United And now I’m going to present you my subject wich is Manchester United Football club. Manchester United FC is a club of English soccer which evolves in Barclays Premier League. The club is situated in Manchester and the matches take place in the stadium of Old Trafford. The club was based in 1878 and he was named is Newton Heath. Between 1889 and 1892, Newton Heath plays in the rival championship of the

    482 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: Does the conquest of the West was as beautiful and peaceful as in some films or painting ?

    Spaces and exchanges: Does the conquest of the West was as beautiful and peaceful as in some films or painting ?

    I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. First , i'll give you a definition of these terms : The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: trade, information. In Class we talked about The conquest of the West and this is linked to this notion because we will see how european people and the gouvernment from America

    510 Mots / 3 Pages
  • To what extent was Charles I personnaly responsabile for the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642?

    To what extent was Charles I personnaly responsabile for the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642?

    37102656 Wednesday, 11 January 2017 To what extent was Charles I personally responsible for the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642? On January 4th 1642 Charles I marched into the House of Commons and declared ‘I see all the birds have flown’. The Five Members was a failed attempt by the king to arrest five prominent members of parliament, prompted by the proposed impeachment of his wife, Henrietta Maria. This incident was the

    2 273 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: how did the American Dream shape the United States? Is the myth of the American Dream always of actuality?

    Spaces and exchanges: how did the American Dream shape the United States? Is the myth of the American Dream always of actuality?

    I am going talk about spaces and exchanges. First at all, I would like to give a definition of this notion. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern – day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders; cultural – exchange of ideas, information, education; movement of people – immigration, student exchanges, gap years... our

    646 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The legacy of the new deal by historians point of view

    The legacy of the new deal by historians point of view

    The legacy of the New Deal Who continues to debate the significance and the legacy of the New Deal and what does the historian's assessment of the New Deal usually aligns with ? Following the crisis caused by the bursting of the irrational speculative bubble inherent in a system of deregulated capitalism, President Hoover stubbornly persisted in a laissez-faire policy awaiting the resumption of the free market alone. For the American people, it was

    848 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The ring in The Lord of the Ring

    The ring in The Lord of the Ring

    The ring in « the lord of the ring » The ring (who is called the unique ring) is an imaginary object created by Tolkien in the novel « The lord of the ring ». There are many rings but the more important is this one. He is created by Sauron, the master of the darkness in the destiny mountain (the only place where it can be destroyed) for govern all the people in middle

    378 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: how the myths can represent aspects of the story of the United States?

    Myths and heroes: how the myths can represent aspects of the story of the United States?

    Anglais Myths and heroes : This notion, entitled myths and heroes, deals first with a traditional story about the history of a people or explaining phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. In a second time, it deals with person who is admirated by his courage, his noble or superhuman qualities. This notion invites us to think about this question : How the myths can represented aspects of the story of the United States

    2 691 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and Exchanges To begin, we will define term of spaces and exchanges. It's a continuous movement of circulation. All types of exchanges : People, trade, media, etc... Exchanges can be merchants, relational. What are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks ? First, we will see the positive consequences of this. Then we will speak of the negative consequences of the advent of th internet. The arrival of the Internet

    570 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The expansion of the Islam in France: a real obstacle for the democracy? Comparison with the British model.

    The expansion of the Islam in France: a real obstacle for the democracy? Comparison with the British model.

    The expansion of the Islam in France: a real obstacle for the democracy? Comparison with the British model. Nowadays, the respect of democratic principles is one of the main key issues undertook by Member States. Governments have an essential role in providing the values of freedom, the respect of human rights and the principle of election by universal suffrage. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 is one of the first international treaty

    2 305 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Introduction: Hello my name is... I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To start with I'd like to give you a definition about the notion. So space is the unlimited three-dimentional expance in wich all material object are located ans exchange is to replace unsafactory goods with another. The subject of my presentation is the emigration. Now the question i can up with is what is the ipact of the immigrant

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid

    Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid

    2. CONTENT Concept of BOP Market at BOP Products and Services for BOP Global Opportunity Ecosystem for Wealth Creation Reducing Corruption Developing Social Transformation 3. CONCEPT OF BOPBOP: Bottom of Pyramid Concern for BOP Big Questions:• Why can’t we do something for BOP?• Why can’t we mobilize the investment capacity of large firms with the knowledge and commitment of NGO’s and the communities that need help?• Why can’t we co-create unique solutions for BOP? Bigger

    1 273 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: to what extent does the myth of the conquest of the West defines American culture

    Myths and heroes: to what extent does the myth of the conquest of the West defines American culture

    I will first give the definition of the notion "Myths and Heroes" A) Myth are ancient traditionnal stories about gods, heroes and magic B) A hero or heroine is a being who has exeptionnal courage. They can be mythical. Fictional or real free national figures, Actors, sportmen or the common man or women whose courage is revealed through trying or unexpected circumtances They both cristallize the values of a society that have created them and

    466 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport

    Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES 1. Second English notion – bac 2017 First document Second document Third document A story of boycotts of the Olympic Games Spirit in motion Queen’s Elisabeth speech on the positive values of sport 1. Introduction * I’m going to deal this the notion of spaces and exchanges who’s a hard notion. We could definite the notion with the idea of changes in a lot of country or area in movement. There are

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The futur of the EU

    The futur of the EU

    THE EFFECT OF THE SYRIAN REFUGEE CRISIS The Effect of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on the European Union Julien Tan University of South Carolina Aiken Since 2011, more than 5 million people have left Syria which has a population of 23 million people. This is because of the Syrian civil war. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2013) (UNHCR), Syria has the highest number of applicants for refugee status, which accounts at

    1 630 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The idea of progress : How for is the notion of the idea of progress developed in the documents, we have studied in class this year?

    The idea of progress : How for is the notion of the idea of progress developed in the documents, we have studied in class this year?

    Today we are going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. This year, we have studied many document, we can link this notion. But to begin with we have to define the keyword “idea of progress”. The idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. Progress implies change and evolution and throughout history most advances have been

    424 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The impact of the video games

    The impact of the video games

    We can replace the man when he is absent.Robots can help the elderly for, for example, cook, mow the lawn or help them to get up.Imagine, you look at a good movie and you are a little hungry, the robot which hears(understands) the noise of your stomach, brings you a pizza without grumbling. You go to tell me more need to have a woman and you are right because that's it the future of the

    654 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyle and traditional business ?

    Spaces and exchanges : what is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyle and traditional business ?

    * What is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyles and traditional business? The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces On the other hand an exchange is when we give in return for something received this can be anything from money, ideas ,clothes …

    690 Mots / 3 Pages
  • What are the positions of the republican party ?

    What are the positions of the republican party ?

    Introduction “It is the program the most conservatism of the modern history”. That is a quotation of David Barton, member of the Republican committee, describes the position of Donald Trump political program in august 2017. The Republican party is one of the 2 majors parties which composed the political scene in the USA. It is opposed of the Democratic party, which is more liberalism. What are the positions of this traditional party? We will see

    760 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Discuss and explain the abilities and limitations of the UNITED NATIONS convention on the law of the sea to regulate maritime ressource disputes in the Arctic Sea.

    Discuss and explain the abilities and limitations of the UNITED NATIONS convention on the law of the sea to regulate maritime ressource disputes in the Arctic Sea.

    Geopolitical of Natural Ressources in the Environment Subject: “Discuss and explain the abilities and limitations of the UNITED NATIONS convention on the law of the sea to regulate maritime ressource disputes in the Arctic Sea.” ANTOGNELLI Thomas CALARESE Camille VILOTTA Florian 1 Index: 1. Introduction 1. What abilities for the Laws of the Sea? 1. What limitation for the Laws of the Sea? 1. Over exploiting existing resources 1. Over-exploiting non-living resources 4. The ancestral

    3 597 Mots / 15 Pages


    I. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL REMARKS II. EFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVENESS REGULATION AND JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE III. COURTS AND CASE MANAGEMENT: A GENERAL OVERVIEW IV. PROCEDURAL, CULTURAL AND STRUCTURAL ARRENGEMENTS. V. HORIZONTAL ARRANGEMENTS. VI. VERTICAL ARRANGEMENTS A. The right to appeal in comparative perspective B. Superior Courts case management and cases selection. C. The supreme courts dylemas VII. CONCLUSIONS. I. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL REMARKS With unprecedented enthusiasm the justice system is currently embracing case management, but the courtship has

    6 290 Mots / 26 Pages
  • Idea of progress : what is the role of the internet in our society

    Idea of progress : what is the role of the internet in our society

    Notion 2 : Idea of progress Black Friday e-shopping consumerism consumption science fiction medecine money capitalism industrialization pollution banks sustainable development : développement durable globalization advertisement / ads / adverts scarcity of goods golden age of advertisment (80's) pbl : 1) What is the rôle of internet in our society ? 1. How does globalization influence our consumption habits? 2. Are we born to shop? 3. How is shopping reflecting/ illustrating globalization? 4. How does

    357 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The diary of the prime minister, Theresa May

    The diary of the prime minister, Theresa May

    Introduction : It is written on the diary of the prime minister, Theresa May, on March 29, 2017: "The United Kingdom invokes the article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty". London is definitely turning its back on the European adventure. Forty-four years, two months and twenty-eight days after entering the European Economic Community (CEE), Theresa May will confirm the official start of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union. President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister

    426 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fast food are the cause of the rate raised obese in United States ?

    Fast food are the cause of the rate raised obese in United States ?

    Obesity in the United States I will tell you about the problem of obesity in the United States, obesity in the United States is one of the most cited health problems in the last ten years in the United States. While many developed countries have seen their rates of obesity rise, the United States is among the highest in the world. Fast food are the cause of the rate raised obese in United States ?

    467 Mots / 2 Pages

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