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The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations et mémoires


10 483 The power of the media oral bac anglais dissertations gratuites 151 - 175 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 19 Mars 2017
  • The Vietnam War or the trauma of the first War lost by the United States of America

    The Vietnam War or the trauma of the first War lost by the United States of America

    Antoine De Rore L3 Histoire American Civilization Subject: The Vietnam War or the trauma of the first War lost by the United States of America Summary I- The Origins of the Vietnam War (1954-1963) A) The foreign origins (1954-1959) B) The immediate origins (1961-1963) II- The progress of the Vietnam War (1964-19) A) The USA in the Vietnam War (1964-1967) B) The TET Offensive and the retreat of USA (1968-1969) C) The extension of the

    3 637 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyles and traditional business ?

    Spaces and exchanges : What is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyles and traditional business ?

    Spaces and exchanges What is the impact of the sharing economy on our lifestyles and traditional business ? I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of sharing economy. The sharing economy is a system built around the sharing of human and physical ressources. First, we will see what is sharing economy and why it has risen in recent years and secondly we will

    755 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The tower of the sun

    The tower of the sun

    DEVOIR D ANGLAIS N°2 1/ Compte rendu de l’article de la revue Popular Science de Décembre 2002 : Tower of the sun EuroMission, entreprise australienne, ouvre une voie innovante dans la production d'énergie à partir du soleil. Au lieu de convertir directement l'énergie du soleil en électricité, ce système utilise de l'air chauffé par des panneaux (verre, plastique). Ils entourent la base d'une cheminée de 913m et créent un courant d'air ascendant continu, à 56.3

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : Can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History ?

    Myths and heroes : Can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History ?

    The notion I am going to deal with is « Myth and Heroes ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on wich social values are often based, while a hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifised his or her life in order to make thinks evolved positivly. Myth and heroes indeed have always marked societies. Some were created whereas others are

    1 785 Mots / 8 Pages
  • What Covid-19 is revealing on the functioning of the European Union?

    What Covid-19 is revealing on the functioning of the European Union?

    What Covid-19 is revealing on the functioning of the European Union? « L’Europe est l’épicentre de la première pandémie de coronavirus » a déclaré le 17 mars dernier, Hans Kluge, directeur régional de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé pour l’Europe. Peu après le Brexit, l’Europe est une fois de plus mise à l’épreuve, cette fois-ci face à une crise sanitaire d’ordre mondial. Après être apparu en Chine, le Covid-19 s’est rapidement répandu sur le Vieux

    1 820 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Civilisation Anglaise : The creation of the UK

    Civilisation Anglaise : The creation of the UK

    TOPIC 1. The creation of the UK, its nations and its identities 1. What is Britain & who are the British? 2. A Brief Early History: Britain’s origins 3. The Creation of the United Kingdom 4. Statistics about Britain & the British population 5. National Identities • How British are the British? • The 4 nations • Ethnic and religious diversity 1. What is Britain and who are the British? • What is the difference

    997 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The last of the Mohicans questions

    The last of the Mohicans questions

    ANGLAIS LV1: THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS Did you like the film? Which scene(s) in particular? (15-20 lines min) I really liked the film because it shows us all the dimensions of our past and the war between the French and the English with the conflicts with the Indian tribes in the mid-eighteenth century. We can see the struggles between the enemy camps, the behaviours adopted, the thirst for life, the sacrifices, the war, the

    394 Mots / 2 Pages
  • ABC News: The Future of the Workplace

    ABC News: The Future of the Workplace

    ABC News: The Future of the Workplace Compte rendu: En français : Cette vidéo nous parle du télétravail, le numérique c’est tellement développer que nous pouvons tout faire avec n’importe qui même si nous sommes a l’autre bout du monde comme par exemple les employer d’IBM qui pour la plupart travail a distance, Flavin (un employer d’IBM) nous dit qu’il va pas souvent au bureau. Le PDG d’IBM nous dit le plus important ce n’est

    428 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How agriculture can respond to environmental issues and to the increasing of the population?

    How agriculture can respond to environmental issues and to the increasing of the population?

    How agriculture can respond to environmental issues and to the increasing of the population? “Live as though you’ll die tomorrow, but farm as though you’ll live forever”, this quote of John Marsden makes us aware of the importance of sustainability in agriculture. Agriculture is a set of practices which aims to produce food and other useful resources for societies. It is important to underline that by agriculture one takes into account at the same time

    2 055 Mots / 9 Pages
  • The consequences of the French Revolution in the 19th century

    The consequences of the French Revolution in the 19th century

    The consequences of the French Revolution in the 19th century Fiche méthodologique – Presenting 1. Start from a question, for example: How did Americans of all different types react to the French Revolution? 2. Answer the question! • Introduction: what are you going to talk about? Possibly focus on one element (for example, the American political elite), why did you select it? • Explain historical/cultural/political/relevant context. Describe and explain, give examples • Explain consequences/effects –

    445 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Report of the expansion of the Global BBA program.

    Report of the expansion of the Global BBA program.

    Report of the expansion of the Global BBA program. CURT ANTHONY PHILLIPE VICTOR Contents Report of the expansion of the Global BBA program. 1 Global Introduction: 3 Introduction to the market study 6 PESTEL : 6 Political forces: 6 Economic forces: 6 Social forces: 7 Technological forces: 7 Environmental forces: 7 Legal forces: 7 SWOT for the Sweden market: 8 Conclusion: 8 ________________ Global Introduction: The emlyon business school was created in 1872 in Lyon

    781 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The nightmares of the clone troopers

    The nightmares of the clone troopers

    21/06/2022 The nightmares of the clone troopers : Every night when a clone trooper goes to sleep, he finds himself revisiting the same nightmare. He enters a world of fog and shadow, all at once familiar and terrifying. All around him the dins of battle echo, the screams of dying men and the groans of warping metal. The clone trooper cannot see the faces of the phantoms around him and so he feels alone despite

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyse chronologie The End of the F***ing World

    Analyse chronologie The End of the F***ing World

    Devoir sur la chronologie de la série The End of the F***ing World The End of the F***ing World est une série télévisée réalisée par Jonathan Entwistle avec Jessica Barden dans le rôle de Alyssa et Alex Lawther dans le rôle de James. La série raconte l’histoire d’un adolescent psychopathe en herbe, James et d’une rebelle en quete d’aventure, Alyssa qui embarquent pour un road trip d’enfer a l’humour noir. Nous étudierons l’épisode 1.1 dans

    1 038 Mots / 5 Pages
  •   Position paper for the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

      Position paper for the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

    Delegation from the United Arab Emirates Position paper for the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change The topics before the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate are; The Role of Youth in Achieving the Paris Agreement; Capacity-Building for Combating Climate Change in Developing Countries and Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change. 1.The Role of Youth in Achieving the Paris Agreement The Federal constitutional monarchy of

    1 344 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Résumé The war of the world

    Résumé The war of the world

    The war of the worlds Summary, chap 1 Se préparant à raconter l'histoire de l'invasion martienne de la Terre au début du XXe siècle, un narrateur anonyme réfléchit à la façon dont l'humanité était désemparée et non préparée avant l'assaut de ces extraterrestres .Le narrateur commence son récit en déclarant que le monde a longtemps été surveillé par des êtres extrêmement intelligents. Il note que pendant que les humains se précipitaient sur la terre en

    833 Mots / 4 Pages
  • What happens during this day / what is the accident of the twin tower?

    What happens during this day / what is the accident of the twin tower?

    Introduction: Thanks to the study of an article from the USA Today magazine entitled “NYC shoulders enormous emotional weight” published on the 14th of september, 2001 ( three days after the tragedy) and the work done in class ; We will first see what happens during this day / what is the accident of the twin tower? After that, we will introduce how the event affected the population and what were the reactions to this

    515 Mots / 3 Pages
  • What are the extend of the honesty in self representation ?

    What are the extend of the honesty in self representation ?

    LOISY Maëlia DEVOIR DE SYNTHÈSE DE DOCUMENTS Terminale spécialité LLCER anglais Artists have shown themselves to express a lot of different things and emotions through so many different forms of art. T0day, we will focus on the way artists use the concept of self representation. This form has evolved a lot through the centuries and eras and keeps on doing so. Although, it has raised a lot of questions such as its truth worth, among

    1 224 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The Causes of the English Reformation

    The Causes of the English Reformation

    The Causes of the English Reformation A FEW FACTS AND DEFINITION The Reformation is often said to begin in 1534 with the Act of Supremacy (Henry VIII was then Head of the Church and Head of State.) But what triggered the Reformation was the need for Henry VIII to have a male heir, and therefore to get a divorce. * Context The late Medieval Church There was criticism of the church as a model of

    506 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The source of the Melting Glaciers

    The source of the Melting Glaciers

    I/ The source of the Melting Glaciers a) Methane Emission (CH4) Oil and gas extraction processes also emit methane, the main constituent of natural gas. Methane is also more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide whose global warming power remains at 1 where that of methane climbs to 25. In equal quantities, methane is therefore more powerful in the greenhouse effect than CO2. But there are not as many methane emissions as there are

    267 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone

    Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone

    Ladies and gentlemen of Congress, If I am standing before you today, it is because I am in staunch opposition to the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This act is a grave departure from the fundamental principles of justice and humanity that we, as representatives of the American people, must uphold. When we forced the removal of Native American tribes from their ancestral land, we raped their rights. Even, we didn’t respect the compromises and

    265 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What’s the possibily of the regrowth of the Aral Sea ?

    What’s the possibily of the regrowth of the Aral Sea ?

    Geography Introduction: The Aral sea is located between the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. This sea is not a sea it’s a lake. It’s a body of water which opens to the ocean. 5.5million years ago the techtonic plates moved and caused a depression. Before, the Syr Dayra and the Amu Dayra used to flowed into the Aral sea. Research question: What’s the possibily of the regrowth of the Aral Sea ? Why is this

    593 Mots / 3 Pages
  • From Southern Progressivism to the Uncertainties of the Roaring twenties

    From Southern Progressivism to the Uncertainties of the Roaring twenties

    Session 8 : From Southern Progressivism to the Uncertainties of the Roaring twenties Progressivism : It mean a political ideology of the first two decades of the 20th century, this ideology emerged in the US in reaction to the three major trends : industrialization, urbanization, immigration Industrialization : 2nd revolution, electricity, steel, car with completely transform work in the world with the rise of industry. Urbanization, cities becoming enormous, Chicago 1870 > 2 millions population

    1 592 Mots / 7 Pages
  • What is the origin of the New Left movement ? What are their claims ?

    What is the origin of the New Left movement ? What are their claims ?

    1) What is the origin of the New Left movement ? What are their claims ? The Left and Leftist Movement is fighting for social justice, that's why they revolted against modern universities. This ideology is inspired by Marxism that can pass through Maoism. All these ideologies are against all injustices. The student movement emerged at the University of Michigan (SDS : Student for a Democratic Society) and at the University of California at Berkeley.

    517 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How significant is the ‘digital’ in the wars of the 21st century?

    How significant is the ‘digital’ in the wars of the 21st century?

    How significant is the ‘digital’ in the wars of the 21st century? In the 21st century, the world has undergone a great evolution towards digitalization in various aspects. Whether in medicine, industry or warfare, all of these areas have been affected by this digital revolution. Warfare in the 21st century has greatly evolved with the digitization of the world, particularly in different aspects such as industrialization. Moreover, since the 90s, new weapon creation processes and

    2 446 Mots / 10 Pages
  • The Madonna of the Meadow

    The Madonna of the Meadow

    The Madonna of the meadow The Madonna of the meadow is a painting with religious meanings, painted between 1505 and 1506 by Raphael, Italian artist from the High Renaissance. This masterpiece is an oil on wood of 44 in on 35 in and exhibited in Uffizi Gallery at Florence. The painting is separated into 2 different parts. In the first one we can find three protagonists which are woman sitting on a rock and two

    419 Mots / 2 Pages