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Spaces and exchanges : why are there different form of immigration in Canada?

Fiche : Spaces and exchanges : why are there different form of immigration in Canada?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Février 2020  •  Fiche  •  436 Mots (2 Pages)  •  639 Vues

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I am going to present the notion of spaces and exchanges.

A society can be approached in the double point of view of its cohesion and its openness which leads to wonder about its place in the world. Also, the geography of commercial circuits and networks of influence, as well as the discovery and conquest of new lands, are cultural areas that often transcend the borders of states. Thus, as an example of exchanges in spaces, we can talk about immigration, especially the immigration in Canada. Indeed, Canada’s immigration has been really controversial due to its different types of migratory flows. So, we can ask ourselves, why are there different form of immigration in Canada?

First, we will analyse the immigration of European children in Canada then we will study the Americans Slaves’ immigration and to finish we’ll see the coming of draft dodgers.

To begin, as we saw in the “Home Children” documents, a flow of children was sent to Canada in the late 1800’s (eighteen). Indeed, those children were deported from Great Britain in order to populate Canada because Canada needed some workforce in the farm and Great Britain was having a rough time with the crisis and had appealing living conditions (like kids had to scavenge for food in the trash or sleep in the street). It was an opportunity for those kids to have a brighter future, particularly for the orphans, who were numerous, even though they were sent by force.

However, we learnt that in the early 19’s (nineteen), the Underground Railroad was created. Indeed, The Underground Railroad was a clandestine system of trails and safe houses across the USA. About 100 000 (one hundred thousand) slaves escaped southern slave states from 1810 to 1850 to flee to the save-free northern states and to Canada where slavery was abolished in 1834 (thirty four), thirty years before the USA.

To finish, we saw that various War Resisters had draft the Vietnam War by immigrating in Canada. Indeed, in order to escape from the war, about 50 000 (fifty thousand) vietnam war draft dodgers went to Canada but all those soldiers don’t feel the same about it. Some of them feel happy about moving to Canada which led them to have a new life star while other ones regret having escaped without doing anything against the tragic war.

In conclusion, we can tell that by those different type of immigration, that Canada was seen by all as a “Promised Land”. Thus we wan ask ourselves if the USA could be the Promised Land of south american immigrants if its border weren't this inaccessible.


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