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Spaces and exchanges: What are the consequences of our consumption in the world?

Dissertation : Spaces and exchanges: What are the consequences of our consumption in the world?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mai 2018  •  Dissertation  •  556 Mots (3 Pages)  •  987 Vues

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I am going to talk about the notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world. What are the consequences of our consumption in the world?

I. Our consuming

1. Our way consuming

First part, there are many excesses in terms of advertising and over consumption. A text entitled “I shop, therefore I am”. The title indicates that people’s reason for living is to consume. They exist through the act of shopping. The text underlines the power of advertising and the constant exposure to ads because we are flooded with ads. Whatever we do, whenever we go, there are ads: when we watch TV, on the computer. Therefore, we are still dissatisfied and we always want to buy more product than we need.

2. Fast fashion

This is the beginning of a documentary called 'store wars' whose subject is the concept of fast fashion. Indeed, in order to meet consumer demand and the fact that buyers now want to wear celebrity clothes, department stores are producing more and more copies of celebrity clothing at very affordable prices such as in a shop or the seller. shows a copy of the suit that Madonna wore at just 25 pounds. This concept is adopted by many department stores such as Zara, Topshop. Indeed, the CEO of Topshop insists that we must perpetuate / continue this concept. The concept of fast fashion / fast fashion is often compared to the concept of fast food because everything has to be done quickly. This concept particularly affects young people who love fashion as Louise interviewed in the documentary who works in a restaurant Leeds and explains that for her, appearance is paramount.

II. Consequences

1. Environment

A video “Ethical fashion” this document is an extract from a report for the “thread magazine” a magazine which promote ethical fashion. To make one tee-shirt, they use 150 grams of pesticide and fertilizers and if one drop permutate with you skin, it can kill you. 75 per cent of the cotton we buy comes from developing countries where farmers can’t proper safety equipment. Therefore 20.000 people die each day because of the pesticide they used. More than 8 thousand chemicals are used to bleach and dye the cotton. Each year we buy 2 million tons of clothes and throw a quarter which makes 30 kilos each. These clothes we throw end up in massive landfill sites. The chemical residues sip onto our water and soil.

2. Garment workers

True cost is a video that denounces the hard-working condition of garment workers in developing countries. For instance, in 2013 a factory collapsed in rasa paza killing 1.000 people. In another factory, 112 people died because of a factory fire. The documentary globalization because it was supposed to be a win win it’s not the case.


To conclude, our society had undergone great changes linked to consumption like fair trade or new place to buy which suggest the space and


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