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13 501 Politique et International dissertations gratuites 13 426 - 13 440

  • Vocabulaire juridique anglais

    Vocabulaire juridique anglais

    Being held by the police = être détenue par la police Custody = garde à vue To make people confess to crime = faire confesser Miscarriages of justice = erreur judiciaire Witness = témoin Attorney = avocat Adversial système = système accusatoire The role of the jury is to decide

    1 835 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Volontés individuelles

    Volontés individuelles

    Volontés individuelles et nom de famille En application de l'article 1er de la loi du 6 fructidor an II (23 août 1794), toujours en vigueur, « aucun citoyen ne pourra porter de nom ni de prénom autres que ceux exprimés dans son acte de naissance » ce qui démontre l’immutabilité

    1 808 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Voltaire Candide chapitre 1 Incipit

    Voltaire Candide chapitre 1 Incipit

    Voltaire, Candide ou l'Optimisme, chapitre 1, "l'incipit". Introduction: Au XVIIIe siècle, des intellectuels et philosophes tels que Diderot, D'Alembert, Rousseau ou Voltaire se réunissent autour d'un projet commun : diffuser les connaissances. Cela leur valut le nom métaphorique de Lumières. Ces hommes brillants, donc, écrivirent notamment L'Encyclopédie, une œuvre collective

    2 288 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Vote et socialisation

    Vote et socialisation

    EHNTONI Yolande Groupe TD : SP1 Dissertation : Vote et socialisation Naturellement, les électeurs expriment et revendique leurs opinions et choix politiques en votant de manière réfléchi et sincère. Néanmoins, il faut avouer que les agents sociaux influencent énormément les choix des votes. Le vote est fondamentalement un comportement individuel

    335 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vous analyserez la situation de l’industrie française dans le contexte économique international.

    Vous analyserez la situation de l’industrie française dans le contexte économique international.

    PARTIE ÉCONOMIE 1 / Vous analyserez la situation de l’industrie française dans le contexte économique international. Aujourd’hui, il est difficile pour les pays développés de se faire une place sur le marché de l’industrie international. En effet, en France et d’autres pays européens, ont une croissance économique faible et le

    1 256 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Vu l'article 1133 du code civil

    Vu l'article 1133 du code civil

    Vu l'article 1133 du code civil ; Attendu, selon l'arrêt attaqué, que M. X... a souscrit le 10 mai 2007 un contrat de courtage matrimonial, prévoyant des frais d'adhésion de 8 100 euros TTC, auprès de la société Centre national de recherches en relations humaines, exerçant sous l'enseigne Eurochallenges (la

    537 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Water Resource

    Water Resource

    Water Resource Introduction As you know, fresh water is essential to life. We use it all the time sometimes even without realizing it. Moreover, with the global warming: water became a market which gained more and more important in the world. So, in this presentation we are going to see

    679 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Water Scarcity In Brazil

    Water Scarcity In Brazil

    Water Scarcity in Brazil A big environmental problem in the world Origin Today, Brazil has 12 % of world’s fresh water, but half populations suffer of water shortages. Why? Half of this 12% water is lost in transport and pipes. We can see a bad water distribution in this country

    205 Mots / 1 Pages
  • What awaits Europe : toward federal Europe ?

    What awaits Europe : toward federal Europe ?

    WHAT AWAITS EUROPE : TOWARD FEDERAL EUROPE ? Presentation given by Christopher H. Cordey, CEO of Futuratinow at The World Future Conference 2013 on July 21 in Chicago. Well, a "Swiss citizen talking about the future of Europe at the World Future Society” ... quite peculiar some might say ?

    1 596 Mots / 7 Pages
  • What does it mean for EU citizen living in UK and English citizen living in the European Union ?

    What does it mean for EU citizen living in UK and English citizen living in the European Union ?

    On 29th March 2019, UK is scheduled to leave the European Union. — What does it mean for EU citizen living in UK and English citizen living in the European Union ? As it was on the 29th March 2017 that the process of United Kingdom leaving the European Union

    1 419 Mots / 6 Pages
  • What is the cybercrime.

    What is the cybercrime.

    What is the cybercrime? The cyber crime is a criminal activity or crime that involves the internet, a computer system or computer technology. What is the money laundering? Money laundering is the process by which criminal proceeds are sanitized or ’cleaned’ to disguise their illicit and unlawful origins. So when

    464 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Who is OJ Simpson?

    Who is OJ Simpson?

    L’ ESSENTIEL Who is OJ Simpson? His real name is Orenthal James Simpson, also nicknamed "the juice" was born on July 9 - 1947, in San Francisco, California. he Is an American actor, advertising, and football player. born in the union of Eunice Simpson and Jimmy Lee Simpson. From this

    454 Mots / 2 Pages
  • William the conqueror

    William the conqueror

    Subject : William the conqueror’s Norman Conquest What did the Norman conquest bring to England? The Norman Conquest was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army made up of thousands of Norman, Breton, Flemish, and French troops, all led by the Duke of Normandy, later styled William

    1 099 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Women's march

    Women's march

    Women’s march For who and why was it really initiated ? Girls in primary and high schools, some even attending university, fewer mothers dying in childbirth, from this perspective, we can state that the women’s condition is taking it to another level as the UN reports an ascension in female

    511 Mots / 3 Pages
  • World According To China

    World According To China

    The world according to China. China impressed by its huge population of with more than a billion and a half people and also by a strong economic growth II. Political China is ranked internationally as a political power as well as America, Europe, Russia and Japan. The Chinese are aware

    728 Mots / 3 Pages
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