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The impact of the video games

Étude de cas : The impact of the video games. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Octobre 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  654 Mots (3 Pages)  •  924 Vues

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We can replace the man when he is absent.Robots can help the elderly for, for example, cook, mow the lawn or help them to get up.Imagine, you look at a good movie and you are a little hungry, the robot which hears(understands) the noise of your stomach, brings you a pizza without grumbling. You go to tell me more need to have a woman and you are right because that's it the future of the humanity where the man lives with are robot of company

Robot's are dangerous for manking because, the people are afraid of seing robots taking their job, a robot can explosed due to a dysfunction thus he can kill many people, if one day, robots will so much be many and so much evolved tha they are going to rebel Finally numerous diseases can be passed on in the contacts of robot. Robot are the end of the humanity because the huma belongs to the human beings

It's been many years that we hear that the video games are in direct link with the violence and the crime. But, know that the violent video games are for the adults and are minority in the shops of video games.And if a child plays this genre of games it is the parents who are in faults. And if the video games should be forbidden it is of the fault of their contents and their influence? But listen to me : does not the television influence us? Does not the cinema influence us? Do not books influence us? Thus the video game would have more impact on the violence than any other media? Even if some games are violent, they do not incite to a behavior of killer and fortunately! Moreover, the game the most sold in the world is Wii Sports!

Violent video games should be forbiden because Violent video games are teaching are kids to be violent. It is a known fact that we learn by repetition. By allowing children to play violent video games it starts to desensitize them at an early age to the effects of violence. But these games were originally designed for military and remember the massacre in Norway? A group of children were on an island off the coast of Norway. A young man went there and murdered all the children there. Children, for God's sake. After he was captured and brought to court he said, and I quote, "I practiced playing Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare."  

The cinema of horror is a film genre which is characterized by the provocation of fear, disgust and concern. Several times this genre of movie activates psychological effects on the people. The impact of the horror movies in the individuals is very important, the terror affects us physiqually but also psychologically. These movies are ability of passing on  ideas and of causing fear, anxiety, insomnia, mental phobias and trauma.Personally I have never looked at horror movies because just a trailer is enough for me to be afraid and not to go to see the movie. I thus find that this genre of movie is useless because it brings us nothing except the fear and the disgust which are sensations which nobody wants to have.The horror movies are generally very badly made as Annabelle who is the only horror movie which I saw and who doesn't make me feel.

There is a few decades several people frightened by telling stories. Today, to have a very similar effect, they look at horror movies. People like the terrifying movies because it gets them a good dose of adrenalin. To see a horror movie gives so much pleasure as to make a tour(ballot) of roller coasters. People also to go to view a horror movie to change the ideas. But they does not need to forget that it is an entertainment as the others, it is not thus dangerous and can amuse you


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