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Bts Tourisme Devoir Anglais 2

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Part 1- A Message

1.The caller’s name is Nicola Smith.

2.Her e-mail adress is nicolas.smith@french/

3.She has now the informations that i need.

4. -The number of people are seven.

     -They want to stay near the coast but not on the Côte d’Azur.

     -They are mainly interested in moto-sports.

     -They are quite young.

5.In return they would like to have details of where it is, a description of the chalet, of the village facilities and the roof price guide. They also would have a list of sporting activities both in the village and the imediate locality, and if there are any sort of nigthlife in the village.

Part 2-Holiday villages

1.I have to take in consideration that they are seven people and they want to stay all together. The chalet must be big enough to host all of them.

For the geographical location, I have to keep in mind that they have specify they would to be near the coast but not on the Côte d’Azur.

2.I think the most suitable village for the group is the one from Laniac. Indeed the holiday village of Laniac is in Brittany, only five minutes walk away from the coastline and the beach. Also the chalets can accomodate up to eight people.

Part 3-The Email

                                       Dear Nicola,

Here are the informations you wanted to know.

I have chosen the holiday village of Laniac. I think it’s the best for

this group.

It’s situated in Brittany near the port of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, a little city

with character who is also a seaside resort.

It’s only five minutes walk away from the coastline, his white sandy

beach and typical small breton fishing ports.

The village is placed in a wooden park and the chalets are built

around a beautiful small lake. They all possess modern

conveniences, a living room with a fireplace, a fitted kitchen, a

bathroom with independant toilets, a dishwasher, a microwave,

a Tv and a terrace with a sofa set. The two bedrooms have two big

beds and two individuals bunk beds.

There are many sporting activities both in the village and nearby.

In the village you can rent VTT and enjoy the tennis court, the gym

room and the hot swimming pool. Close to the village you can

practice windsurfing, sailing, fishing, archery and horse riding.

Regarding the nightlife, it’s a very living place. There are two

restaurants, a self and a bar who becomes a club after 11 a.m.

Here is the roof price guide:

                                       01/04 to 30/06 : 78 euros by night.

                                       01/07 to 31/08 : 142 euros by night.

                                       01/09 to 15/11 : 65 euros by night.

                     To pay on place : Tourist tax : around 1 euro by people/


                       Caution : 200 euros/ Chalet.

                       Kitchen and bathroom linen : 8 euros/ people.

                       End holiday cleaning : by itself or 48 euros/ chalet.

                       Suplementary cleaning : 17/h.

 I remain available for any informations you might want.

                                                                       Best regards,

                                                                                Anaïs Bédékovic.




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