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Bts tourisme cned Anglais devoir n2

Étude de cas : Bts tourisme cned Anglais devoir n2. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mars 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  755 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 538 Vues

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Part 1. A message

  1. The caller’s name is Nicola Smith

  1. Her e-mail address is
  1. She wants to give some information about a group of 7 young people who would like to stay in a chalet near the coast in France (but not on the cote d’azur). They would like to be all in the same chalet, and practice motor sports as much as possible.
  1. They are 7 young people

They wan to stay in a chalet in a French village near the coast but not on the cote d’azur

They are particularly interesting in motor sports.

They would like information about the night life in the village and the activities available near to it.

5. Nicola wants some details on the location of the chalet, the local region, and a description of the chalet. She also wants a list of sports activities available in the village and the immediate locality, and information about the night life in the village. Finally she wants to know a rough price guide to give to her clients.

Part2. Holiday Villages

  1. To find the perfect chalet for this groupe, i must look for a chalet suitable for 7 people, because they would liked to stay all together.  The chalet must be located near the coast but not on the cote d’azur, so i could look around the atlantic, the breton coast line,  or the English channel because they are interested in water sports.

  1. the most suitable for the groupe is Laniac, because this chalet is suitable for four to eight people, the chalet is only 5 minutes walk away from the north breton coastline, so it could be perfect for the water sports.

The first one in Saint-Jean-de-Ré is not suitable because the chalet are only to 6 peoples. The second one on Chanac is to far away the coast. The third one on Cap de Giens is situated on the Cote d’Azur. The fifth one on Beausite is to far away the coast. And finally the last one on Lizaru is very interesting because it is ideal for lovers of water sports, but the chalet is only for 6 people.

Part 3. The e-mail

Dear Nicola,

Here is the information, you asked me in your voice message.

I found a Chalet suitable up to 8 people, only 5 minutes walk away the North Breton coastline, and next to a small lake. Each chalet are self-contained, they have a sitting room with a fireplace, and a fitted kitchen with a dishwasher and a microwave. They have two bedroom with two king bed, two single bed, and bunked beds. They have a bathroom and separate toilet. Finally they have a terrace with garden furnitures and TV.

You could also found in the village two restaurants, one self service restaurant, and a bar.  Your customer would be happy because after 11pm the bar become a nightclub.  Finally there is a gym and a swimming pool in the village.  You can found and practice many activities in and around the village, for example you can rent VTT, and there are 12 tennis courts.  And around the village they could practice many activities like windsurfing,  sailing, fishing, archery, and horse-riding.

Regarding the price, it vary according to the seasons, from April 1st to June 30th it is 78 euros per night, from July 1st to August 31h it is 142 euros per night, and finally from September 1st to November 15th it is 65 euros per night.

A tourist tax about 1 euro per night and per person also is to be paid at the arrival of the clients.  There is also a deposit of 200 euros for the chalet.  If they don’t want to bring their own linen with them, the village could lean to them, but it is a supplement of 8 euros per person.

Ath the end of their stay they could clean the chalet by themselves, or pay 48 euros a cleaning lady, to clean their chalet, and it is 17 euros an hour for any extra cleaning.

It is a really beautiful area, with many activities to do, perfect for young people who loves the nature, and sports like water sports, and who wants spend time with their friends. I hope this will suit your clients and that I gave you all the information you needed.

Best Regards,

Lena Sevenier

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