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Oral Anglais Bac

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Par   •  29 Avril 2013  •  292 Mots (2 Pages)  •  3 257 Vues

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African Americans spent 2 centuries fighting for recognition:

The Declaration of Independence began in 1776, the thirteen colonies blamed the English for denying their fondamental rights and for imposing its laws on America. The declaration of independence announced that all men were equal, it was the only solution for the colonies to separate from Great Britain.

Yet, from the begining of slavery to the end of segregation, the road to freedom and true equality has been a long one.

The Civil War busted out in 1861 between the northern states and the southern. The northerners blamed the south for using slaves as a cheep labour. The norther states won the war and thanks to that slavery was abolished in 1865 but not prejudices.

After the war, Black Codes whiche were legal statutes, began to regulate the institution of slavery in 1865 with the passage of the Fourteen Amendment and Civil Rights Legislation. The whites wanted to stop the massive immigration of black people in political and social actions and they wanted to keep their superiority.

When reading the Black Codes of Mississipi we can see that the Blacks were still treated as inferior human beings and not considered as equal to the whites: they were not allowed to marry a white person.

We can also speak about The Jim Crow Laws passed by the southern states after the Civil War to prevent the Blacks from voting and enforced segregation: until the 1960's they had to use separate public places.

We can easily notice the contradiction between the Declaration of Independence which was aimed at creating everybody equal and the reality before 1965.

At the outset we can speak about Rosa Park. She was a black women who was arrested for

Rosa Parks was arrested for desobeying which launched the bu


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