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Idea of progress : the evolution of women's place in the end of the twentieth century in the UK

Synthèse : Idea of progress : the evolution of women's place in the end of the twentieth century in the UK. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Février 2020  •  Synthèse  •  525 Mots (3 Pages)  •  774 Vues

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I’m going to deal with the idea of progress. First of all I would like to begin with the definition, the progress is a progressive development of humankind, a forward advance to improve better the society. (I’m going to expose the theme of women’s right are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide, and formed the basis for the women's rights movement in the nineteenth century and feminist movement during the 20th century). In order to illustrate the notion I have chosen to talk about  two documents entitled « Kenwood Chef » and « Women’s lib becomes a powerful force ». Therefore we can ask ourselves about the evolution of women’s place in the end of twentieth century in UK.

To start, the first document is an sexist ad for a kitchen appliance entitled « Kenwood Chef » published in the sixties. We can notice that the woman is leaning on her husband which reprensents an inequality because women stayed at home while their husband were working to bring money as we can see thank to his buisness suit which reprensents the modern workforce. In addition shows that without him she can’t have a great life and even when she worked women earn a lower pay.  Which is stricking is the catchphrase « The chef does everything but cook that’s what wives are for ! » means that even the appliance serves all functions women were only good at cooking and their place is in the kitchen. Thus the chef hat that the wife is wearing reinforces this gender role of women empahsize that they were the primary cook in the household. Thus is ad represents a society in which women were considered inferior to men.

That’s why women become to fight to their rights and managed step by step to evolve their status. As we can see in the chronicle of Britain published in 1992 , this document deals with the laws which is voted in 1968 and which changed women’s lives. Indeed women become free than they were before thus they see their status evolve. For example, in 1968, abortion, divorce and contraception became possible means that women can control their bodies and could make their own decisions about their lives without depending a man. A second of that laws lay down that women had the same right that men, whether at work or at home and the last law was about the wage earn by men and women who do the same job. Finally thanks to these laws, we can say that the place of the women were almost equal to men.

To conclude we can notice in those documents the evolution of women’s place in the society. Now days, it exists more and more organizations are fighting to ensure that gender equality really exists because the problem persists in lot of countries where women's status is the same as 1960. That’s why this subject thugs me a lot and for me it is important to defend the status of women everywhere in the world because they are primarily human just like men and there should be any diffrences.


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