- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

The effect of music on employees of hotel bars

Mémoire : The effect of music on employees of hotel bars. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Novembre 2017  •  Mémoire  •  8 172 Mots (33 Pages)  •  1 150 Vues

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Ecole Supérieure de Savignac

BA in Hospitality Management

Module name:

The Research Project

Module code:


Assessment name:

The Research Project

Assessment number:


First name:


Family name:


Research Project title:

The effect of music on employees of hotel bars

Hand-in date:

31th May

Tutor name:


Word count:

6000-7000 ± 10% words

By submitting this assignment, on paper or electronically, through OpenPortal for instance, you are certifying that it is your own work; that research sources are fully acknowledged; and that it has not been submitted as part of any other module assessment.

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This research project would not have been possible without the full support and work of M. Adamson, my tutor, whom has been ready to help and ensure that my work was going smoothly.

I want to thank greatly my old and actual colleagues of work, whom had the kindness and time to answer all my questionnaires and to give me personal advices on how to carry on my work.

And the finally, mister G. Tuau, with whom I had the opportunity to speak and exchange for a short but intense period.


        The upcoming research will be focused around the understanding of music influence and how, in our 21th century, its effects are reliable and effective, on bar employees. It is well known that music influences humans and on the customers. But the employees are the ones that are serving the guests and during a shift, employees can feel different type of emotion due to the music.

The methodology of the research will be based around all the existing knowledge on the matter, such as the effects of music on customers and employees, how does it affect them, in a positive or negative way? What are the goals of having a music background? Is it useful?

Secondly, with gathered data, the researcher will evaluate the different type reaction to music, based on questionnaire given to professionals and an interview with a professional playlist maker, whom helped to understand to relation between the type of music and the field of application of the playlist.

The finding part of the research, will be based on the result of the primary research of the methodology, the questionnaires, and the interview. Indeed, it’ll be able to understand and see how the music is affecting professionals during their working time and as well, how does music in playing such an important role in the hospitality industry?

Therefore, the report will start will the understanding of music, of it affect human in different situation and then, the researcher will carry on his work with the analysis of the existing data based around the topic and its own discoveries and work.

Content Pages

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….1        

Literature review ……………………………………………………………4

Methodology Section 9

Design        ………………………………………………………………………..9

Execution        ………………………………………………………………………..12

Evaluation        ………………………………………………………………………..13

Findings and Analysis Section ………………………………………………….15

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………22

References ………………………………………………………………………………24

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………..27

Appendix 1 …………………………………………………………………………27

        Appendix 2 …………………………………………………………………………31


“Music can be a useful tool employed by hoteliers. In terms of the physical environment, music can cause guests to spend more time and money in an establishment; influence buyer/ seller interactions; improve customers' attitudes during a wait; amend guests' perceptions of brand personality and décor; and enhance employee productivity. Lastly, emerging research indicates that website music can enhance viewers' arousal, interest, satisfaction, and learning”. (Vincent P. Magnini & Emily E. Parker)

In the case of this project, the main aim will be to understand clearly and define, how music interferes and affects the bar’s employees in a Hotel. It has been shown that music affects employees and customers, such as the rhythm, tempo and redundancy will increase or reduce the employee’s speed work (A.North, D.Hargreaves 1999 – Micus Tempo, Productivity and Morale).

The psychological influence that music has, on both employees and costumer, is essential to the ambiance and well-being/feeling of those two actors. Indeed, music can influence the sellers action, enhanced employee productivity (rhythm of personal enjoyment) and helps to show a modern image for the hotel (Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research May 1, 2013).


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