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Leadership Organizational Behaviour

Analyse sectorielle : Leadership Organizational Behaviour. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Décembre 2020  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  1 952 Mots (8 Pages)  •  379 Vues

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Good leadership is the fuel that enables an individual or organization to lead and move forward. While the myth that leaders are born is not necessarily true, as some charismatic industry leaders such as Richard Branson, who suffered from dyslexia, have proven, leadership can be learned through practice. Regardless of educational credentials and merits, anyone can become a leader.

A true leader is someone who not only inspires others but also understands each member of his or her team. While communication, attitude, and commitment to getting the job done are the essential ingredients of a good leader, other traits (or characteristics) that enable true leadership in a leader are creativity, empathy, ethics, the ability to take responsibility, the ability to challenge failure, among others.

So today we are going to present an essay that will aim to give our perspective on leadership. To do this I will conduct an interview with a real leader and I will analyze our interview before giving my point of view.

I/ The Interview

I had the privilege and honor of interviewing a manager with whom I worked for more than 3 months and with whom I kept in touch.

This is Caroline Ducrot, whom I met during the development of the Montessori Schools in Paris, I was in charge of distributing leaflets to make the school known to the largest number of people.

The Montessori Schools are specialized in the education of children according to the Montessori pedagogy created by Maria Montessori.

This pedagogy aims to offer the child a stimulating environment, adapted to his needs of psychomotor experimentation, to privilege the education of the senses while respecting the child, his tastes, his rhythms and the stages of his personal progress.

Caroline Ducrot, is Founder and Director of Montessori Schools in Ile de France.

The interviewee answered all the questions I presented to him with the greatest sincerity. Through the interviewee's answers, I was able to gather useful information about leadership and correlate the information I obtained with the course material. Ms. Ducrot's interview included a wide range of questions.

According to Carole Ducrot, leaders should have the ability to appreciate and respect everyone. This respect should not be relative to a person's economic position, social status, or gender. The interview revealed that the genesis of her leadership was that her colleagues began to treat her as a natural leader. Finally, the interviewee applied for her current leadership position at the insistence of her colleagues.

In her view, most leaders fail because they do not understand the scope of leadership. The interviewee suggests that the scope of leadership extends beyond the leader and involves team members. Therefore, consultation is the key to successful leadership, according to the interviewee. The interviewee acknowledges that as a leader, he or she should be more confident in order to improve the perception of subordinates and superiors.

When the interviewee was asked about early life experiences that might have influenced her leadership, she stated that her position as the first child in a family of five had been very helpful. One of the most important aspects of leadership, according to the interviewee, is the ability to recognize and value the talent of the people a leader works with. The interviewee says that she is now able to delegate many tasks to others, which was a problem in the past.

His definition of courage is an individual's ability to step out of their comfort zone for the good of others. When I asked Caroline Ducrot what the main difference between management and leadership was, she felt that the former is inflexible while the latter is more flexible. In her work, Ms. Ducrot enjoys achieving set goals while she hates having to lay off employees.

I also decided to ask more specific questions to Caroline Ducrot, in order to learn more about her daily life as a leader.

I wanted to know how often she thinks she needs to see her team or how she motivates them.

Caroline Ducrot meets with her team at least once a week at a specific time and on a specific day of the week. Communication between team members is essential for her, and this will give the team the opportunity to meet regularly.

She also finds it important to bring everyone together when a

 an important step is taken, whether a new project starts, or when there is a difficult situation. These meetings are very important for her because they allow her to unite the team.

As for how to motivate them, she proceeds on a case-by-case basis so that she can talk to them about how an objective or a change will benefit them.

II/ Analyze of the Interview

The interview with Caroline Ducrot highlights the dynamic leader/leadership follower. As a leader, Ms. Ducrot is able to show flexibility for the benefit of her employees. Flexibility is a method that is applied by all astute leaders. According to her, when a leader demonstrates flexibility, it is unlikely that he or she will fail . Soliciting input from supporters does not decrystallize the leader's position, but strengthens it. In her view, the success of the leader/employee dynamic is evident when they embrace the vision of a leader who respects and values their contribution.

A leader's flexibility must be accompanied by other characteristics such as effective communication. During the interview, Ms. Ducrot recognized that the most important "nugget" of leadership is the need to recognize and respect the skills and talents of these employees.

Ancient leadership theories challenged the idea that leaders can only be natural, and that they cannot be "made". However, modern leadership theories, such as constructivist theory, provide a more in-depth analysis of modern leaders. For example, the interviewee acknowledges that he or she acquired leadership qualities after assuming the role of leader. In addition, the interviewee acknowledges that he or she is still in the process of developing other leadership qualities.


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