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Spaces and exchanges : is globalization a good or a bad thing ?

Dissertation : Spaces and exchanges : is globalization a good or a bad thing ?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Octobre 2019  •  Dissertation  •  1 780 Mots (8 Pages)  •  669 Vues

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The notion presented is spaces and exchanges

Space is the geographical or symbolic area and exchange is the act of giving and receiving in return. We can translate the idea of spaces and exchanges by the globalization.

Globalization is the relationship of different territories on a global scale allowed by the liberalism wich drive the explosion of material, immaterial and human exchanges thanks to transport, new technologies, internet.

The central question is so we may wonder if globalization is a good thing or not?

In the first document on the CNN channel Barack obama talks about the globalization.

BO thinks it’s imposible to turn back the tide of globalization. For him globalization is a word where all boundaries are disappearing, where communication, correction and competition can come from anywhere. On the contrary DT is against globalization. DT explains that it is synonymous with poverty and considers that this phenomenon has wiped out the middle class. He explains that they lose their job as they are outsourced to other countries with cheaper labor force.

In the second document “ slum tourism” globalization does not bring only good impacts.This controversial trend has been dubbed "slum tourism". This trend is to attract tourists to the poorest places, to give real-life insights to the poorest communities in the country. Dharavi is a dotted area of ​​small businesses and recycling units. And yet its inhabitants are impoverished and live in inhuman conditions, but tourists do not see the organized slum tour as an example of exploitation of poverty. Residents say they do not enjoy slum visits. This shows that globalization has disadvantages.

In the last document  “political cartoons” to start, this document is a caricature that talks about the problem of the industry. It's about trade and globalization through machines, The machine looks like a factory. The machine ingests natural resources and cheap global labor to make different products called "junk consumer" on the image. In fact the machine produces pollution, CO2 and destroys the environment. "The machine" uses children to work, they are associated with slaves. To make the machine work it is necessary to destroy natural resources.

To conclude, globalization is good for progress and to commitute with the world  but is negative when companies that profit from this globalization do not benefit the poorest, to destroy natural ressource for some they are slaves of this globalization.


The notion presented is the places ands forms of power

There are different places and forms of power.

In politics and social science, the power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, laws.

There are different places of power : a country, the medias, a presidential palace, a prison

Medias are the ways of communication support for massive spread of information in  daily news, in news papers, the channel TV, the radio and the most important today, the social networks and internet. Bias is showing an opinion about something that is not based on all the facts.

The central question is how powerful are the medias ?

The medias have great power of influence that's why politicians use it for their political campaigns

In the documents studied in classroom, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump want both to do these videos to promote their campaigns and to encourage American people to vote for them.

In a second document we see covers of the Time magazine : on the first Bernies Sanders and on the second Hilary Clinton.

For election campaigns on the front cover Bernie Sanders is displaying smiling with hot colors while Hilary Clinton is sitting at her desk with a serious posture with cold colors.

These magazine covers show Bernie Sanders confident and close to american people with the title « Bernie socialize this american » in contrary of hilary’s title which is more negative :« I know what it’s like to be knowned down »

There are also caricatures like those that have an impact on belittling or criticizing someone like Hilary Clinton. The caricature represents an exageration of Hilary Clinton holding a megaphone and screaming my « turn »The author criticizes HC. He aims at showing she’s above the law. He shows her screaming the document classified top secret and a hammer of judge.

An other caricature shows us the power and the impact of the medias.

It represents a TV with the word "media" written on it, which gives food to a viewer in his chair.

The author aims at showing that the medias have a power and a control over the viewers and that they can use this control to convey any message or information and that viewers believe in it.

In my view The medias are present in our daily life thanks to the networks.

I use social networks, internet, newspapers and TV but I check the sources and their reliability especially on internet when the information seems erected.

We can conclude by asking the question : How to know if informations in the medias are always true, especially with fake news phenomenon ?


The notion presented is mythes and heroes 


The central question is turned around heroes and anti-heroes. A hero is a person who is admired for his courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities . It can also be a modern-day hero, a person who has performed a heroic act or simply our own personal hero. On the other hand, our society also seems to need anti-heroes because people tend to believe that anti-heroes are more realistic, as they are people or characters who know temptation, pain, anger or fear. All things considered, we may ask ourselves if a hero is allowed to fail.


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