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Spaces and conflicts : violence

Cours : Spaces and conflicts : violence. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Octobre 2017  •  Cours  •  772 Mots (4 Pages)  •  727 Vues

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Who is violent ? : Combo and his band/group/team/crew

Who is the victim ? : Two boys from the football, girls in the tunnel, the man of the shop ( the shopkeeper )

There is a lot of physical and verbal violence

For example :- The institution can hit children if they were not wise.

The mother of shaun is very understanding, she care a lot of her son, she is nice with her son and his friends. ( Like when she discover her son new hairstyle → shaved hair )

Shaun is the victim of bullying but he pick the Woody's group at the end for having fun.

Shaun seems to want to provoke trouble all the times because he want to make him big/important.


Introduction :

We gonna talk about the film «  This is England » and specifically the violence in the film. The film presents the life of a little boy named Shaun who is often bullied by his classmates. He knows a lot of violence in his life and we gonna give you various examples taken from the film and our opinion

The Institution can hit children (Isabelle)

Two boys from the football (Rémy)

The shopkeeper ( Youssef)

Violence with Milky (Lucman)

In this scene Shaun enter in the shop and order a lot of thing like food and tabacco Shaun calls the shopkeeper a "paki bastard" this kicks of the scene where he tries to kick Shaun out of the shop, starting by a chase around the shop, the chase is filmed from one angle and shows that skinheads were full of kids.After that,Combos arrived he acts innocent and agrees with the shop keeper about Shauns bad behaviour and he threatening him with a knife under his throat calling him a "Paki" here there is a close up of Combo's facial expression which enforces his racist values. At the second time, they did bad thing like shitting on the ground they steal money and a lot of comodity and they insulted the poor shopkeeper . this scene illustrate the racism of Combos and how the group is unfair. In my opinion that really violent and unfair because the shopkeeper did nothing and he get threatening by the way he can have children or something like that and the group think that they will restore England as 5 XD but they did nothing apart from disturbing people and after that the shopkeeper will have a bad image of Shaun then that's not smart from him For me Combo is just Crazy

We gonna talk about the film This is england and specifically the violence in the film .

The film presents the life of a little boy called Shaun who is often bullied by his classmates at school because of his clothes he know a lot of violence in his life and we gonna give you various examples from the film and we gonna give our opinion too



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