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Notion myths and heroes

Dissertation : Notion myths and heroes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Juin 2016  •  Dissertation  •  1 118 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 159 Vues

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Be a hero is something that everyone is dreaming of. First when you are child you want to be superman, Spiderman or a superhero like that but when you are growing up you want to be a different superhero, a hero who is saving life everyday some of them want to firemen, soldiers, policemen even doctor. But sometimes, you become a hero without asking anything and sometimes you wish you could act like it. The notion « myth and hero » has many aspect that why we may wonder in which case we are able to call someone « hero » or « coward ».

At first, it might be interesting to focus on what makes someone a hero, in which reasons we are able to call the person like that, secondly we are going to see in which situation it’s hard to act like an hero and after that we are going to finish by study the consequences and the impact in their life and in the world of being a hero or not.

Nowadays it’s easy to call someone « a hero » because the word « hero » has lost his real meaning. In people mind a hero is someone who helped them to do simple task like open a jar or doing something they can’t do themselves but this is not a real hero. A hero takes risks for other’s lives. There are daily heroes like soldiers, firemen and policemen. There are also doctors because even if they are not risking with their life they are saving people and it’s the best thing that a human being can do. But « normal » people can also become hero. That’s the case of Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis, who is a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary. She saved her first-grade kids of a gunman who could kill them. She did something really brave she saved 15 children instead of saving her own life, she act with cold blood. Indeed, she hides them into a bathroom and she kept them quite even if they all knew that something was happening out there but she wasn’t really serene because she said “if one of them started to cry, we all would cry”. That is a hero, and moreover she created an association called « Classes 4 Classes » in memory of the 20 children and the 6 teachers who died that 14 december 2012.

It’s also the case of an American teenager called Temar Boggs, he act like a hero or he has the hero’s feeling. Indeed, he saved a five year-old girl called Jocelyn Rojas from a kidnapper. Actually he didn’t know her at all but he had been approached twice by someone who was looking for Jocelyn because she was missing and the second time had a feeling that he will find here (l.27/30). Then, with one of his friend, they searched all around the neighborhood on bikes and they noticed unknown car acting like it was a neighborhood stranger so they decided to follow it and they were right. At a moment, Temar saw a little girl on the passenger seat and he knew that it was Jocelyn so they chased the car though the neighborhood and after a moment, the driver stopped hundred meter ahead of the boys and he released the girl. She ran into Temar’s arm without any tears, she just said that she wants to see her mom but the kidnapper disappear. Even the police was stupefied of what Temar and his friend did (l.54/56).

But sometimes it’s hard to act like a hero because you’re taken by surprise and you don’t know what to do, you’re petrified. That is what happened to Simon Kernick when he was a teenager. He was living a quiet life, without problem but a night everything went horribly bad. He just meets the wrong persons. In fact, that night he was with two of his friend and they want to come home but they haven’t a car so they hitchhike but they shouldn’t. They found some guys who can bring them back to the city but that are not their plans. Indeed, they wanted to rip them. At the begging the feeling was good “they seemed friendly” said Simon in his article. Just before arriving in the city, the car stopped on quiet road by the river, it was only the begging. When Simon and his friends realized that it’s was too late. Simon and friends felt like pushover because they couldn’t fight back. They’ve been beaten and almost abused but his friend, Paul, had enough courage and he run away so the aggressors left. But Simon is kind of humiliated and he wishes he had the guts to be the first to do that. He was he is ashamed of what happened to him but nowadays he lives with it and he still have “an antenna for danger” In this situation everyone would be like him, it’s hard to fight back when you’re targeted because you are paralyzed. The thing is that we may consider him as a hero because even if after that he lost everything, he succeeded to talk about it even if it’s 10 years after. And thanks to him people who lived something similar are able to go over it and they know that they’re not the only one in that case. So he is a hero even if he thinks not.


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