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Idea of progress: What is the Google self-driving car?

Thèse : Idea of progress: What is the Google self-driving car?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mai 2017  •  Thèse  •  578 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 275 Vues

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Progress means improvement: we can talk about technological, medical, social or Political progress. Progress has for purpose to make our life better, more easier  and more convenient.

The progress represents more particularly the future. During this synthesis, we shall see that the progress had a lot of impact worldwide and we shall focus on New Tech inventions.

What effect does this progress have on our society? Does it have a positive or a negative effect?

On the one hand, a new tech devices, a revolution : The Google self-driving Car.

What is the Google self-driving car ?

It’s the small electric cars which seat two passengers, but they d’ont have steering wheels, accelerator pedals or blrake pedals. This car operate completely autonomously, probably for an easier life.  The cars could operate as a service, picking up passengers when summoned, and potentially even operate as fleets of interconnected  « trains ».

In 2009, google incorporated laser sensors and radars into stantard automobiles such as the Prius from Toyota Motor Corps and sport-utility vehicles from Toyota luxury car division Lexus.

While those vehicles require a human to remain in the driver’s set and to take over in certain situations, the new cars operate completely autonomously.

In America, 2 states (California and Nevada) have laws allowing testing of self-driving cars on public roads.

Our lives are intricately entwined with technology but we have become so dependent that this addiction may be destructives

Contrary to the first paragraph, we’ll see the progress can be dangerous, because people are addict to the tech devices.

Throught the document « Tech free days » i will demonstrate the positive sides and the negative sides to live without technology.

This document deals with the description of an experiment carried out by 54 students in Portland’s Lincoln High School in 2010 and organized by the English teacher Jordan Gutlerner.

This experiment consisted in stopping using technology for a week which was shortened by a day (it lasted 4 days). It deals with the way those students coped

During the experiment, some students were feeling anxious. They were afraid might miss something important. For some person, checking their e-mails was an obsession. Many are addicts to technological devices. After the experiment, some students will go back to normal usage, won’t change anything in their behavior. And other liberathing to be unplugged, some found this experiment eye-opening even if it was tough.

But, Can we live without technoly ?

Certain people cannot refrain from looking at their emails or at the social networks, but others in opposite can take place. Let’s weigh the Pros and the Cons :

On the one side, The people alive in tribues (for example: Amish living in the United States and the Sentinels in India) can live without progress.

On the other side, we can’t beacause the progress is important for all, for example advances in medicine is an essential element for people to live. And the progress is important for the terrorists threat, communication and transport.


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