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To what extent does the government, especially the Australian one, to react to the climate change

Discours : To what extent does the government, especially the Australian one, to react to the climate change. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Avril 2023  •  Discours  •  1 087 Mots (5 Pages)  •  257 Vues

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        Since the 1950s the Earth’s temperature has been rising by 1.5 degrees because of climate change. If fluctuations are natural what is alarming today is that temperatures are now rising faster and faster. To deal with the climate change and its consequences, I will use some documents. First, an article from BBC published in 2021 entitled “What is the climate change” presenting the challenges of climate change. Then, an open letter written in 2020, from CAHA1 a medical group, to the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, in order to push the PM to act faster. I also chose a set of 2 graphs from ABC published in 2021, one presenting the Paris Agreement emissions targets and the other the Australia’s annual emissions. Finally, from U.S. Global Change Research Program a graph published in 2017 dealing with the causes of the climate change. So, we are entitled to wonder to what extent does the government, especially the Australian one, reacts to the climate change. In the first part, I will target what makes the temperature rise so much and the causes of the climate change; in the second part I will deal with the effects caused by it in our environment; finally, I’ll explain how the Australian government deals with the climate change.

  1. The causes of climate change

  1. Human causes

- Human and natural factors both influence the climate.                                                                                                                                                                                    According to the first document, we understand well that the rise of the temperature comes from the rise of the amount of CO2, by 50%, caused by humans using oil, gas and coal for their homes, factories and transport.

- Likewise, in the last document, we have an important increase of the temperature caused by human drivers who emit greenhouse gases, ozone, land cover and aerosols.

   B- Natural causes

- However, according to the doc 4 we have to take in consideration the natural causes of the climate change which are volcanic, solar and orbital causes. Indeed, those factors has risen the temperature by 0.5°C between 1880 and 2020.

- Indeed, doc 2, tells us that bushfires are temperature increasing factors before being a climate change impact. Indeed, burning trees in Australia emitted a lot of CO2s.

II-              The consequences of climate change

  1. Water stress

- Unfortunately, the world suffers from a lot of natural catastrophes such as water stress. Indeed, in doc1 we find floods and extreme rainfall in the UK and in Europe or we find the rise of sea level in pacific island.

- Doc 2 supports our analysis since in Australia we also find floods, cyclones, extreme weather events, storms, and they’ll become more frequent and severe putting the hole population at risk.

      B-    Heat stress

- Our planet suffers also from heat stress such as heatwaves, drought, farmland etc… as listed in the doc1. We can find those natural catastrophes in Australia and in Middle East. But we can find also other impacts like food shortage present in African countries or the loss of biodiversity present all around the world.


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