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Spaces and exchanges : to what extent does globalisation favour spaces and exchanges?

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Par   •  3 Avril 2019  •  Fiche  •  1 088 Mots (5 Pages)  •  715 Vues

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America has export its culture all over the World. This phenomenon is called globalisation. The globalisation can be defined as the process by which company or others organisations develop international influence. This notion deals with worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, communication integration; it’s also the interaction of different people, cultures and nations in the World. Globalisation is a new expansion of the capitalism. We are going to see what extent does globalisation favour spaces and exchanges? To answer this question, we’ll see firstly what are the positive appearance of globalisation’s extent and then the negative appearance of globalisation’s extent.

        As a first step, we are going to talk about the positive appearance of globalisation’s extent. One of the main positive appearance of globalisation is communication due to technical progress and new innovations. The communication by the way of internet leads many things. Firstly, communication permits transmission in different places of the world in a record time; that’s permit people to share what they want, simply and quickly. People can travel from a point A to a point B easily thanks to digitisation of datum. Communication also permits the outsourcing of companies because they can trade remotely and act across the world; we can say that the world is “shrinking”. In 2008, Barack Obama made a speech about globalisation, he declared that USA faced new challenges, he talked about the outsourcing of companies and he also illustrate his remarks by saying that few years ago, he saw a 3D image of the earth, in Google’s headquarters, that show all the communication all over the globe, and countless lights in many colours which represent all the internet searches taking place all around the world, and the colours represent all the different language. That mark a disruption in all the old method of trade and way of business. Now, let’s study an example of remotely trade, fair trade. Fair trade is a trade method which consists in buy some goods and services from poor communities to help them to develop and improve their way of life. This method is good for all countries which exchange between us because LDC (least developed country) improve their cultural, social and economic development by build schools, hospitals, habitations etc.… with the money stem from fair trade and the developed countries enjoy natural goods by doing a kind gesture for earth and people in need. Globalisation can also affirm countries power because it permits for every country to assume their accountability and their assertion through a significant GDP and through important military mode. They have a big influence between countries relations and that’s why all of the most powerful country got a permanent headquarters in the UN, that’s them that make all the important decision, letting not many space and decision-making power for less powerful country. By the UN, every country can assert their rights in the whole world but there are also inequalities between countries.

        As second step, we are going to talk about the negative appearance of globalisation’s extent. Indeed, globalisation have a “dark side” that few politicians broach. This is the hidden face of the international economic growth. The main appearance of the hidden face is the poverty. In fact, all around the world, in South America, Africa and South, populations suffer by an important poverty; This poverty is because of the developed countries which make use of population and grounds. In the LDC, population live in very bad conditions with few mode and the only way to earn your money is to work in awful conditions of work with bad wages. Developed countries faced an important demand due to life’s conditions that upgrade day by day of their population so they require hard and intensive work at employees by making pressure to them. We can take the example of India, by the way of a report which concern the daily of a million women in India which are underpaid and have 15 hours of work by day with only 2 days offs by month. They sleep on the floor, next to their work machine, they can’t take care of their children. They don’t have any rights, no pensions, no sick days, no health insurance.  Here, we clearly see that there is a monopoly power where some populations dominate the world to the detriment of poor population. One of the main appearance of the hidden face of globalisation is also the environment. Indeed, developed countries make work hard factories and speed up continuously exchange which is waste a lot of damage to environment. Also, developed countries have an important ecological footprint. The ecological footprint measures human demand on nature, the quantity of nature it takes to support people or an economy. Developed countries are always in demand of resources even if they are the countries which have the most of available resources. That create a paradox because the most developed countries take advantage of the LDC instead of help them. This is trade vs aid; countries make the choice to favour the economic growth at the cost of the earth. The last appearance of the hidden face of globalisation is the terrorism. A lot of countries leaders are afraid of the terrorism and the cyber terrorism because of the communication and the new technologies. Now, it’s very simply with internet and all of this flaw to organise an attack or a hacking. Barack Obama evoke it in a speech about the new world order. He mentions many attack that happened all over the globe, which are all in link; linked by internet and communication. That’s why the powerful countries which are govern the world try to institute a worldwide terror, by the way of nuclear bomb test or bombing on civilians.


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