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What if, regardless of your past history or the current economy, your dreams really could still come true ?

Dissertation : What if, regardless of your past history or the current economy, your dreams really could still come true ?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mars 2013  •  Dissertation  •  411 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 239 Vues

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INTRODUCTION A Different Way to Succeed

What if, regardless of your past history or the current economy, your dreams really could still come true?

What would you be most excited about having happen in your life over the next few weeks, months, or years? Would you like to experience dramatic breakthroughs in your career, business, or finances? Deeper love and connection with your family and intimate relationships? How about seemingly miraculous improvements in your own levels of health and well-being?

For the past 20 years or so, I’ve been a professional success coach—someone who gets paid to help make people’s dreams come true. In that time, I’ve learned that not only are there many different types of dreams, there are also all sorts of different ways to reach them.

Whether you want to make more money, build your business, start a family, or save the world, chances are that your approach up until now has been primarily practical— that is, focused on what it is you want and what it is you think you need to do in order to make it happen.

If you’re a reasonably progressive thinker, you’re probably also aware that one of the reasons you want what you want is that you believe it will in some way enhance your experience of being alive. But as you may have already begun to realize, if you really want to have a more enjoyable life, reaching your goals is not enough. You’re also going to have to find a more enjoyable way of getting there.

This is a book about succeeding from the inside out. When you learn to live your life in this way, stress disappears and worry becomes almost nonexistent. You realize that you were born happy and the worst thing that can ever happen to you is a thought—generally speaking, a thought about whatever you think is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Things still won’t always work out as you’d hoped or planned, but that just becomes a fact of life, instead of a problem to be solved. And since you live in a state of being full (of life, joy, love, and peace), going outside yourself to “find fulfillment” loses most of its appeal.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you won’t still do all sorts of weird and wonderful things with your life. It just means that you’ll be using what’s inside you to create things on the outside instead of doing them the other way around.


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