- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV2

1 265 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 231 - 1 245

  • Vocabulary chapter five

    Vocabulary chapter five

    * crossroads (junction) (n.) * routemaster bus → double-decker /ˌdʌbəlˈdεkə/ bus (n.) * taxi (cab) (n.) * traffic lights (n.) * over crowded /ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ (adj.) → full of people * clogged /ˈklɒgd/ / blocked /ˈblɒkt/ / congested (adj.) * empty street (exp.) * fluid traffic / clear road (exp.) *

    1 774 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Vocabulary Riverdale

    Vocabulary Riverdale

    English French don't bother Ne t’embête pas you won't be speaking at his mémorial Tu ne parleras pas à son mémorial I will catch you later Je te rattraperai plus tard I am not avoiding anything Je n'évite rien du tout It is burying C’est enterré obnoxious Odieux catfight Querelle

    350 Mots / 2 Pages


    VOTRE ASSIETTE EST VIDE... QU’EN EST-IL DE VOS POUBELLES ? Fast food, buffets à volonté, restaurants, grande distribution : autant de lieux où la surconsommation domine sur le besoin fondamental et primaire des êtres humains : manger. Depuis bien trop longtemps nous vivons au-dessus de nos moyens, privilégiant notre confort

    421 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vous analyserez la situation de management présentée en annexes en effectuant les travaux suivants

    Vous analyserez la situation de management présentée en annexes en effectuant les travaux suivants

    2012 – SUJET N° 1.1 Vous analyserez la situation de management présentée en annexes en effectuant les travaux suivants : 1. Caractérisez l’organisation Atout Net (type, forme juridique, ressources, champ d’action) et précisez sa finalité. 2. Repérez la stratégie adoptée par Atout Net au cours des années 1990. 3. Identifiez

    471 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Voyage en Thailande, Anglais

    Voyage en Thailande, Anglais

    KADDOUR Maëssa 1S1 Hi my blog family today I'm going to tell you about my last trip to Thailand and my cultural shock. First, I was shocked about this: In Thai culture, greeting someone is an act of great significance. The manner of greeting is determined according to the social

    346 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Warm-up


    Warm-up 1. What is your job here? 2. How long have you worked here? What did you do before this job? 3. Who supervises you, and whom do you supervise? 4. What do you like most about working here? 5. What do you like least about your working? Situation 1

    539 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Was America a good place to live in the 1920s?

    Was America a good place to live in the 1920s?

    Was America a good place to live in the 1920s? The "Roaring Twenties" suggest a moment of change, prosperity and excitement. Indeed flappers, automobiles and new films form exciting images of people who have fun. On another side we will see that these years hide things negative. I will look

    286 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Watergate scandal
  • Weapons in America

    Weapons in America

    The carrying of arms in America, in addition to being a topical issue, is becoming a social and political problem. 30000 numbers of killed each year by a gun in America. The problem of weapons is very unstable. Here are some questions we will ask ourselves : What arguments can

    566 Mots / 3 Pages
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism ?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism ?

    Many places in the world rely heavily on tourism as a major source of income and employment. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a problem, especially if it is not well managed. A large number of visitors can gradually break the beauty of the environment, resources and social ties of a

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • What are the causes that lead to the increase rate of deforestation?

    What are the causes that lead to the increase rate of deforestation?

    The evolution of technology has reached a point where pretty much anything is available at the touch of a button. Now, we can access everything and even conduct our daily activities (shopping, working, and entertaining) from the comfort of our homes. While doing a research analysis on climate change, I

    1 288 Mots / 6 Pages
  • What are the effects of the olympic games. Intro

    What are the effects of the olympic games. Intro

    30/04/2018 Introduction Olympic games are one of the biggest and most popular Sporting events in the modern world. The games started in Ancient Greece but the current sporting modern format was born in the nineties[1]. The competition, in which multiple professional athletes are competing in a variety of sports, is

    530 Mots / 3 Pages
  • What are the strengths and shortcomings of cosmopolitan memory practices in Guillermo del Toro's films?

    What are the strengths and shortcomings of cosmopolitan memory practices in Guillermo del Toro's films?

    In addition to the definitions mentioned above, cosmopolitan memory is labelled in the article by Bull & Hansen as ‘an attitude towards victimhood’, meaning that the story is based on the suffering of the victim, while the image of the ‘hero’ ‘in the traditional sense disappears from the stories’ (Bull&Hansen,

    464 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What do the cookies really represent? Simple marketing tool or a continuity of big brother is watching you?

    What do the cookies really represent? Simple marketing tool or a continuity of big brother is watching you?

    Introduction Like all of us, you should now have the reflex, when you open a web page, to press "accept all" or on the contrary "refuse all" when you are asked to authorise cookies. But what do they really represent? Simple marketing tool or a continuity of big brother is

    1 803 Mots / 8 Pages
  • What I learned

    What I learned

    Three years ago, I could not properly do an oral presentation with a nice slideshow, I had just learned the basics skills to make a really simple slideshow for some oral presentation. Since then I have: * Learned how to create a beautiful slideshow thanks to some platform which help

    267 Mots / 2 Pages
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