Legalize the organ trade
Dissertation : Legalize the organ trade. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar muffin • 16 Février 2016 • Dissertation • 1 117 Mots (5 Pages) • 893 Vues
What if we legalize the organ trade ?
So, welcome everybody. The work I'm going to present you today is about the organ trade.
In order to illustrate this notion, I think it's really important to give you a definition of what is the Organ trade. The organ trade is “the trade of human organs for the purpose of transplantation”. But... what we exactly know about a trade ? A trade is “the business of buying and selling commodities, products, or services; commerce.”
This definition has many terms, it's not easy to talk about organs, and a commerce with the organs. We live in a world in which progress forms a very important part of the scientific field.
Everyday, surgeons, doctors have to face death, the pain of many families because one of their beloved ones could not be saved, they have not found a donor. Some people won't never give their organs, because it's their will.Is it a question of.. Religion ? Or maybe Morality ?
All ages are concerned by this topic, very young people, adults, seniors, and the elderly.
The organ trade remains illegal nowadays, we know it's a trade, an human trade, this trade can be seen as immoral, but in many cases, we think about the problem of donation studying the mortality rate.
We'll going to study the benefits of the organ trade and why we should legalize it.
I°/ In our first part we'll show the importance of the organ trade because it can save people's lives.
II°/ Then, in our second and last part, we'll analize how the organ trade could help to stop violence.
I. The fact that we are nowadays able to do an organ transplatation is something magical because we can save many lives. This organ transplantation is a characteristic of the new medecine, the modern one. Progress has made miracles throughout the years. Even if this practice gives hope, and permits to save lives we find many limits. They are not enough organs, that's why we find waiting lists. Nobody can be sure of having a transplantation. That's why some people have the privilege of finding a donor, and others not. Some people die waiting for an organ that will never came. It depends of the organ you need, your blood group... The list can be reduced because some people are too sick to receive an organ, it's too late. Some people won't accept to give their organs, do a “Donation card”, because they can't handle with the idea of touching a cadaver : because of religious views and morals. This people can't go further and they don't realize the fact that donation if very important and helps medecine and very sick people. What if your daughter needs an organ and you wait, during months and months and you don't find a donor for her ? What if your family, friends being more and more sick and you can't do something to help ? You think everyday of it, you hope and hope and one day you know it's too late, too late to receive an organ, or too late because of death. We can't be selfish, we must think about everybody, we have to be humans. It happens to people yes, but it can happen to someone you love, someone which means the world