The slave Trade
Chronologie : The slave Trade. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mimilovedu37 • 14 Février 2017 • Chronologie • 1 590 Mots (7 Pages) • 858 Vues
The slave trade
Introduction :
From the XVIe to XIX centuries , the black people were taken from Africa in order to become slaves. They become a part of the triangular trade.
I chose to speak about the 1st and 2nd document. The first document is a part of a planisphere which represents the triangular trade with the slaves routes between america and Africa through the atlantic ocean, and also we can see a trade
Plan: Firstely I would like to talk you about the journey from the Europe to Africa then from Africa to America and from America to Europe
Salves trade is the trade of African prisonners sell like slaves. This trade existed in diverse times and places. But one of the most important took place from the XVI
to the beginning of the XIX century . European and American bought slaves in Africa to bring them aganst their will and to sold them in America where they worked in field of coton and cannes à sucre
- → we can wonder ourselves how the slave trade was organized
Plan :
- europe → afrique
The principals ports of the triangular trade are Bristol and London in the UK, Nantes et Bordeaux in France and Amsterdam in Pays Bas. Shipowners’s boats were used for this business of slaves, and paid by wealthies europeans. The European boat brought in Africa coasts various goods from Europe with low value but wanted by African people. These goods are switched with African prisoners who were transported against their will in America
The principals goods transported are Tobacco , eau de vie , cheap very color tissues, pearles, firearms, gunpowder also cauris which the shells were used as money in Africa. Womens values cheaper than mens but are essential to renew slaves. They took with them only those who looked healthy.
The crossing last from 40 to 60 days. The life conditions of salves during the trip were dreadful. Slaves were organized « like spoons » on the steerage, witch means they were piled up against one another to save place. There are naked to avoid diseases. The most serious sickness are scorbut ( it’s when you loose your teeth ) and dysentries (Colon’s infectious sickness). The medical knowledge was really poor a that time, so Doctors didn’t managed to relieve the suffering of slaves and death slaves were throw in the sea. Slaves are staked, enchain by neck, foots, and wrist in gloomy damp hold who are lock up. The slaves were authorized to get thin meals often with rise.
In a normal travel a lot of slaves died by deficiency food, places and care. In the process of the crossing, we loose often arround a fifth of slaves board. We estimate nine hundred million of salves death and eighty million of crew. However despite those losses, the trade of surviving are very lucrative.
Arrived in America, the slaves were sold to plantation owners from Europe. They used slaves to work for a low price. After such a hard crossing, slaves had to rest and take strength.
The people who organized the triangular trade lived there to deal with that and sold progressivelly the slaves to the field’s owners.
From the XV to the XIX century between 9.5 and 10 millions black africans were transported against their will toward America.
The prisonner trade brought more than 3 times the cost of merchandise that were brought in Africa, so the earnings were even more important. Some of the boat were taken by pirates.
Some slaves managed to kill the crew, and then the were not able to guide the boat so the died in the boats.
We can be really surprised that such a trade has been considered as normal. This trade was contrôled by the code Noir. Even the religious authorties thought that it was a way to teach unbelivers the « true religion ».The slave trade was abolished in the XIX century but it was still a illegal immigrant trafficking.
Les principaux ports se consacrant au commerce triangulaire sont le Royaume-Uni avec le Bristol et Londres, La France avec Nantes et Bordeaux et les Pays-Bas avec Amsterdam.
Le commerce des esclaves se fait grâce à des négriers appartenant à des groupes d’armateurs qui sont financées par de riches familles européennes de la noblesse ou de la bourgeoisie.
Les négriers européens, faisaient venir sur les côtes atlantiques de l’Afrique diverses marchandises d’origine européenne, de peu de valeur mais recherchées par les Africains. Ces marchandises étaient échangées contre des prisonniers noirs africains, qui étaient alors transportés de force vers le continent américain.
Les principales marchandises transportées sont du tabac, de l'eau-de-vie, du tissu bon marché très colorés, de la verroterie des armes à feu et de la poudre, mais aussi des cauris (coquillages qui servent de monnaie en Afrique). Afin d’acheter un esclave, il faut prévoir soit 5 pièces de tissu, 2 fusils ou 6 pistolets, une centaine de balles ou même de la verroterie. Les femmes valent moins cher, mais sont indispensable pour le renouvellement des esclaves. Ne sont embarqués que ceux qui semblent en bonne santé.