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The World Trade Organization

Mémoires Gratuits : The World Trade Organization. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Novembre 2014  •  347 Mots (2 Pages)  •  859 Vues

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The WTO is primarily a negotiating framework, a place where members of governments go, to try to resolve trade problems between them. The first step is to talk.

These negotiations require significant resources to be effectively monitored by members of the organization (lawyers, experts, etc.). The WTO operates on a democratic fashion, in the sense that each state represents one vote, regardless of its political and economic weight.

Leaders of the World Trade Organization in order to justify the existence of this organization and to highlight the role it can play in promoting trade and development is by ten benefits of the free movement of goods and services between countries.

Indeed, some of the arguments presented by the leaders of the organization in favor of free trade are based and are just common sense. Others, however, have no rational basis and can deceive the governments of some countries and their citizens.

For countries to achieve these ten benefits, the leaders of the organization proposing to establish rules and requires that countries involved in international trade in the context of the organization's compliance.

The question that arises is that are these rules are derived from the principles of international trade economy or if they are arbitrary?

By definition the rules deriving from principles of economics is neutral in this regard and it does not affect the real purchasing power in the countries participating in the exchange, or the functioning of their economies while rules arbitrary can be partisan and therefore their application can reveal the winners and losers countries.

In the context of international trade, it concerns the mutual enrichment of countries and therefore their inhabitants.

This is achieved in the case if winners and losers countries appear.

The establishment of exchange rates in accordance with the parity of purchasing power is one of the main conditions for achieving this goal. But now the leaders of the WTO ignore the issue of exchange rates.

In fact, it is the exchange rate currently set arbitrarily allowing the looting of some countries and is the leading cause of relocations that aggravate the employment situation in which companies outsource.


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