- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Theme Anglais Bac Pro

Rapports de Stage : Theme Anglais Bac Pro. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Avril 2014  •  722 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 776 Vues

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About 40% of expatriates fall into failure upon working in a new country. However, this is not due to incompetence in the workplace skills or tasks, but rather due to inability to adapt to the foreign culture. That being said, the need for expatriate preparation is extremely high.[23] The following is information on how to do so, as preparation is necessary for success as an expatriate. There are 6 basic steps to becoming an expatriate. These steps should be followed in order to prepare for expatriation. The first is to decide where you want to go, who will accompany you, and how long you want to go for. The second step is to find a job in your country of desire. Step three is to apply for the visa that you will need for your stay in that country. The next step is to wait for approval from the country. [24] In order to be adequately equipped, future expatriates must acquire knowledge about the culture they are entering into, become aware of the differences in culture they will encounter in their new place of living, and obtain competence in communicating cross-culturally. All of this does not happen immediately and adequate preparation time is needed before departing from one’s home country. [25] Some of the most psychologically challenging areas of expatriates are verbal communication behaviors, nonverbal communication behaviors, and work styles. Therefore, communication is the most important aspect for expatriate adaption, as it promotes benefits to psychological health upon entering into new cultures and countries. Future expatriates must be trained on the knowledge and understanding of how their host cultures function in communication. This will allow for success in expatriation. [26]

In order to be adequately equipped, one of the things future expatriates must do is acquire knowledge about the culture they are entering into. The following is an explanation of some of the ways a person could go about in acquiring that knowledge. Before entering the host country, an expatriate must come to an understanding of the values, norms, beliefs, and behavior patterns of the host culture. [27] Then, they should develop an appreciation, understanding, and acceptance of those things. [28] One way to acquire knowledge about the host country, is to take the Cognitive Approach. [29] This includes learning information about the country through lecture-type orientation. [30] Another way of learning is through fact-orientation. [31] This involves briefing of the environment and becoming oriented with the culture so that the expatriate may understand things of the host country such as the history, the geography, the religion, the people, and the economy. [32] One of the best, most recommended ways to acquire knowledge about the culture is through experiences. [33] This can be done through experiential exercises and cultural assimilators. [34] One may undergo field simulations or attend assessment centers to take part in experiential training. [35] Other forms of experiential training include role-playing, workshops, and simulations. [36] Taking part in the experiential training will allow the expatriates to develop a better understanding of the details, and host culture as a whole. [37] This will then contribute to the success of the expatriate. Field experiences can also be done in order to acquire more knowledge about this host culture. [38] This is where the expatriate goes into another culture for a short period of time, to get used to


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