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Étude du roman Big Brother de George Orwell (document en anglais)

Rapports de Stage : Étude du roman Big Brother de George Orwell (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 298 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Janvier 2013  •  519 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 149 Vues

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Littérature Anglaise

1- The story begins in a kind of projection room, at the beginning of a day of work.


3- Winston lives in London, Oceania. London is totally destroyed and disgusting.

4- The Party’s three slogans are: War is Peace- Ignorance is Strength- Freedom is Slavery.

5- There are four different Ministries in this government :

- The Ministry of Truth (Minitrue)

- The Ministry of love ( Miniluv)

- The Ministry of Peace ( Minipax)

- The Ministry of Plenty ( Miniplenty)

6- The Two Minutes Hate are a special time which consists of letting people shout their feeling of hate when an enemy face appears on a screen.

7- They were taken to the Ministry of Love, where they are tortured causing them to renounce their opinions, feelings, being loyal to Big Brother, after which they are usually vaporized and become non-beings .

8- They transmit images of Big Brother, the Party's propaganda, news of the war, music, political speeches, entertainment, but also discrete eye on party members, monitoring symptoms by Thought Crime. These screens transmit and receive simultaneously.

9- Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, his job consists of contrasting the past and the present, deleting all of bad news and developing good ones.

10- Newspeak is the official language of Oceania, and is normally completely replace the English to the 2050s. The Newspeak or new language has three vocabularies.

A vocabulary includes the words for everyday activities.

The B vocabulary is built for political use. It serves to promote the right thoughts.

Vocabulary C means technical and scientific terms, but without any ideological sense. The purpose of Newspeak is obviously to constrain thought. One day people will not have bad ideas only because they will have no words for thought.

11- Winston has his own way of reflection, keep a secret diary where he is able to write everything he wants on Big Brother and tries sometimes to escape from the telescreen.

12- The Ministry doesn’t accept any demonstration of love. Couples are only made for reproduction. They meet together in the Ministry of Truth.

13- Winston meets a young brunette woman, and persuaded she spies on behalf of the Party, he plans to kill her. In fact, this young woman named Julia, is in love with him. The relationship between Winston and Julia begin May 2, during an excursion to the countryside. It is seen as a sensory awareness and as an act of political resistance in a society where feelings between individuals are prohibited by the Party. In June, the two lovers meet regularly they enroll in the Brotherhood during a visit to O'Brien, senior leader of the party that claims to belong to this secret organization. Sometime later, Winston and Julia are arrested. The incarceration of Winston takes place at the Ministry of Love. It is made


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