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Myths And héros

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Par   •  20 Mai 2015  •  369 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 256 Vues

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Myths and heroes

I am going to talk about the notion of « Myths and heroes ». A myth is a lie everybody believes in. And a hero is someone who has many qualities and courage. And many myths have focused on witches in America, its why I ask this question: « The myth of witch hunting in America : how alive is it ? »

I. Witches and witch hunting in 17th century America

During the 17th century, in America, many people were accused of witchcraft. This belief has haunted the minds of most people. Puritanism was a religion in the 17th century in New England. The Puritans had very strict moral codes. They believed that women were inherently more tempted by the devil than men. Witches were embittered old woman, ugly. Women who resembled this description could be labeled as witches, even if they were not.

At that time, hunting was also ubiquitous, for example during the trial of Salem.

A witch is a woman who is believed to have magical powers. These are people who have been accused of witchcraft. They can be seen practicing voodoo. And for this act, it may be burned, burned, beheaded, hanged, pressed to death. Witchcraft is an act that was much punished in America.

II. Witches and witch hunting in 20th century America

We found the concept of "witch hunt" in the 20th century in America. In fact, in those days, a policy against communism is present. The FBI, or the HUAAC (the house of un-american activities committee) had the responsibility to stop the Communists Americans. He was known as the "witch hunt". the FBI has used different strategies to force people to give names of communists. They tried to manipulate the citizens and their scare before using blackmail. By giving the FBI information they could not be suspected. Conversely, if they do not cooperate, they were considered guilty. So many people have been charged with no real reason to be witches in the 20th century. Even if the witch hunt today does not really exist, many people are still rejected and excluded without proper reason.

In conclusion, we can say that the witch hunt began long ago, but it has not disappeared, it continued in other forms, such as scapegoats.


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