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Why Does Society Create Myths And Heroes

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Par   •  29 Avril 2015  •  749 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 912 Vues

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Mythes et heros

I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. Briefly, a myth is a story that may or may not be true, in other words, a made up story generally about gods or super heroes. Than a hero is a person admired for his exceptional qualities, his achievements and his impressive courage. Moreover they can be fictional like superman, batman, or real.

to speak about this notion, I’ve chosen to speak of the importance of heroes in our society.

In my argumentation, I'll try to answer the question : “Why does a society create myths and heroes ?”. First I'll try to explain how heroes allow us to dream, then we'll see they could represent a model for our society .

1. From a first point,we can say that they offer a dream world , in other words a different world where the laws of nature and man are not the same as on Earth.

To illustrate this point , we have Peter Pan , for example , the story tells the myth of eternal youth and offers a world without rules without parents . This fictional hero in a fictional world tell myths that human can not reach , it is an unreal perfection and this is the second point of this part .

2. , it is clear that mainly fictitious myths shows an unreal perfection. These are the best of all worlds that man would reach , knowing that it is still impossible to .This can be seen , especially in the stories aimed primarily girls, who put forward the cult of beauty, like Sleeping Beauty , Cinderella ...

3. On a third point , the heroes that make us all dream , also allow us to imagine with a personality and a different life. To illustrate this idea, we have the Fantastic 4 movie, with super powers, physical and very different personalities. This myth superhero allows any type of personality to identify themselves or otherwise to create a world quite different. We can also talk abot robin hood an heroic outlow who is known for robbing from the rich and giving to the poor

Each of the stories I have cited here expose a dream world from different angles, they are suitable for both children and adults. Therefore, they affect all of society with ideas more or less direct according to the category of persons referred.

II) Thereafter, the hero has a role model for humans.

We can see that we project on the known personalities, this image of the hero.

Although we make dreams almost half of our lives we live in the real world. The man hopes, therefore, also be able to heroic deeds.

1. First, the man tries to reach the same perfection as his model. we imitate what we see without necessarily realizing it, as a result, we need people to guide us towards perfection. I will take as an example, Martin Luther King, . This man is a hero because he was able to affirm his ideas face many opponents, he defended black men to have respect and peace in his country. He made the courageous acts, heroic, on either its boycotts and speeches.we can also talk about rosa park or Emmeline Pankhurst wo was a femisnist activist who fouth for women’s right to vote in england . He is a hero and someone to imitate and followAccording to a document that we’ve studied last


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