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Note De Service En Anglais

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Par   •  16 Décembre 2012  •  202 Mots (1 Pages)  •  21 131 Vues


Express & Co Ltd

(Head Office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham

To : All Employees Date : 12 November 2012

From : Human Resources Manager

Subject : Improve the communication between employees and executive management

From the next month, a one hour weekly meeting will be managed in each departement with the employees to discuss about problems which they will have noted, work terms, solutions, possible improvements and made progress. Every departement head will give a report to the Manager.

Once a month, the manager will manage a meeting with the people concerned.

In the interval, an employee will can sollicited a meeting with the manager who will accommodate it as soon as possible depend to its availabilities.


Human Resources Departement.


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