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Mythes Et héros

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Par   •  22 Avril 2013  •  474 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 312 Vues

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Myths and heroes

I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of myth and of hero. So a myth is a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. In order to illustrate the notion, I have chosen two documents and a famous history. So the first document is a video called “The Irish Paralympic heroes back home”, the second document is on Carlos Arredondo, and the last is the history of the monster of Loch Ness.

Disabilities who participated in the 2012 Paralympic Games are considered heroes in their country. Indeed they reported to their countries many medals. This video shows that everyone can achieve their dreams. Sportsmen take pictures with their fans, they are proud of their journey. The media and the press are there to interview them and congratulate them. This is their moment of glory. The names of the athletes are the talk of the town. Do not be a hero summary is to save lives. To me a hero is someone who has a lot of bravery and serves as a model for his entourage.

Just seconds after the tragic bombing attacks at the Boston Marathon hundreds of heroes jumped in to help the injured. One hero, Carlos Arredondo, jumped the fence and began using his clothes and towels to stop the victims' bleeding. Arredondo's cowboy hat and long, dark hair made him easy to spot in several traumatic images. In photo by Charles Kupa, Arredondo is seen pinching an artery on a severed leg of 27-year-old Jeff Bauman Jr. while pushing him in a wheelchair. In an interview on his way home, a visibly shaken Arredondo describes his courageous effort to help the injured. Jeff Bauman Jr. is in critical but stable condition at Boston Medical Center after losing both legs thanks to Carlos Arredondo.

In the UK a myth is based from the 16th century. According to the testimony of a man, a huge water snake lives in Loch Ness Lake. It would have bitten to death a man. This monster is nicknamed Nessie. In 1999 many people say they have seen the monster and will testify at Loch Ness Investigation Bureau. It would be a great neck, bumps on the back and moves quickly. But despite the evidence and scientific research, the existence of the monster is still missing. After researching the research team from Oxford and Cambridge have concluded that there is in the lake of Loch Ness living creatures whose movement and speed of movement are different from those of fish. Despite this conclusion, scientists continue to test the waters of Loch Ness to discover whether or not the existence of the Loch Ness monster.


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