Do you ever have a feeling of being totaly out of your body ? Actually being somewhere, or meet someone where your not taking your body with you ?
Discours : Do you ever have a feeling of being totaly out of your body ? Actually being somewhere, or meet someone where your not taking your body with you ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mgxprt • 22 Mars 2020 • Discours • 523 Mots (3 Pages) • 542 Vues
Do you ever have a feeling of being totaly out of your body ? Actually being somewhere, or meet someone where your not taking your body with you ?
I remember the first time we looked at each other. It was a special day, when the flowers did not have the same smell and sun not the same color. Who would have thought that that particular day was the day we met. I’ll remember it all my life, because that day I didn’t feel my body, like my mind was gone. It was a very strange sensation, both of freedom but also of fear. I knew I was falling in love with you, as if our two minds were bonding independently of our bodies. I no longer remember what I did at that moment, I only remember what my mind thought: this person was made for me and I owed him fidelity and love. I will remember this feeling all my life, the exact time our hearts began to beat together. It may sound strange when you put it that way, but I wish anyone who reads this letter would feel the same way at least once in their lives.
I knew that my life would change at that time, that nothing would ever be the same and that this person would make me happy. But how can we not be afraid at a time like this ? I was alone in front of him, no one could understand what I was feeling, no one was in my place. Would he understand my vision if I told him ? Was he going to think I was crazy when I told him I felt my mind dissociate from my body ? I don’t know, but what I knew and what I was sure of was how I felt about him. And all that love just kept growing.
So I told you the first time I felt this way, but I’m sure it can happen to us in many different situations : whether it’s our wedding day, the day our child is born, or the day we announce a great news.... Such a happy situation where our mind is able to leave our body for a few seconds.
If we could control our brains and bodies enough to force this state of fullness and happiness in difficult times, the world would be much better: imagine a world where people don’t get mad anymore, No more stress, no more pitting against each other? You dream of it, I’m sure. Everyone dreams of a world like this, where it would be possible to predict each of our reactions and to avoid any overflow... Unfortunately that’s not how the world works... Human passions are at the heart of most conflicts in the world : wars, demonstrations, crimes...
In conclusion, I look forward to experiencing this feeling again in my life and I hope that every human being on this earth will eventually feel it. My speech is probably very utopian but I am convinced that if man refocused a little more on his mind before acting, conflicts would be reduced.