- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV2 pages 1 - 85

1 265 BAC Anglais LV2 dissertations gratuites pages 1 - 85

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Page 1   "Bleisure" compréhension écrite - Al Capone

… Il y a 3 documents, 2 extraits d’articles, le doc 1 « BLEISURE TRAVEL : LEARN TO MIX WORK AND PLAY” qui provient du www.skyscann …

… Al Capone or the 20th Century living legend Al Capone is being shaved and manicured when J. Harrison and I entered the room. The …

Page 2   Alice in wonderland - Analyse de poème Those Winter Sundays

… Alice in wonderland Hello, So, today, I'm going to talk about the book alice in wonderland, written by Lewis Carroll. Born in La …

… Those Winter Summer Background information This poem was written by Robert Hayden in 1962. He was born in 1913 and passed away i …

Page 3   Analyse des habitudes de vie - Anglais - One or Ones

… Analyse des habitudes de vie Nubaid Meer-Hossen Voici un texte d’analyses sur mes habitudes de vie qui sont sur ces sujets : l’i …

… Grammar I - 'ONE' et 'ONES' - cours Rappel: On peut utiliser le prononm 'One' au lieu de répéter un mot au singulier, quand le s …

Page 4   Anglais : faire une pétition - Anglais Leçon 1 : Colors & Fruits

… Jeep has to change the name off his 4x4 to honour the native american tribe The chief of the Cherokee nation, Chuck Hoskins Jr., …

… Yellow = Jaune = Banana Red = Rouge = Cherry Blue = bleu = Bluberry of course Green = Vert = Apple Grey = Gris = There are no gr …

Page 5   Anglais MCO - Anglais, notion of creation

… DEVOIR D’ANGLAIS Sarah LOUBERE I-PARTIE Ce texte intitulé The futur of work. How will you adapt ? publié Le 25 Octobre 2016 par …

… The discussed notion is a vision for the future from creation to adaptation. In order to preserve the world, with all its myriad …

Page 6   Anglais, space and exchanges. - Arizona Max, Vincent Lavallée

… Space and Exchanges: Now, I present you the notion “Space and exchanges”, I’m going to give definition of this notion: “space an …

… Analyse d’un roman: Cherub, Arizona Max Par Vincent Lavallée Groupe 426 Travail présenté à Monsieur Yves Desjardins École second …

Page 7   Arthur Miller - Bac anglais lv2 2019

… Changement : Son attitude par rapport à l’industrialisation démontre que … Changement du voisinage = c’est industrialisé ça dést …

… BAC BLANC ESPAGNOL 1)a) La frase « El narrador estaba en un tren » es falso porque estaba en un bus como lo vemos en la liean 1 …

Page 8   Bac anglais oral pro netflix - Bing

… Hello, today I would like to talk about an internet topic precisely Netflix. I'm going to introduce you to the platform while re …

… Formation Quel auxiliaire Phase affirmative Phase négative Question Be conjugué (am,is are)+verbe ING Be conjugué am/are/is/are/ …

Page 9   Biographie d'Ai Weiwei - Brexit

… (6) Panier de bicyclette avec fleurs , 2015 , Ai Weiwei Ai Weiwei Panier de bicyclette avec fleurs BIOGRAPHIE DE AI WEIWEI Ai we …

… Brexit" is an abbreviation of "British Exit", meaning leaving the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU). On 23 June 2016, …

Page 10   Brexit - Caribbean migrants

… Today, I'm going to talk to you about the notion of myth and heroes. First of all, to give a definition of this notion. A myth i …

… STAGE 6 1. What may explain why Carribbean migrants felt « black » first and foremost in the 1960’s ? → Carribean migrants felt …

Page 11   Carmelo Anthny return to the Rockets - Cities : Mumbai

… Carmelo Anthony's teammates don't believe he will return to Rockets This article talk about the complicated situation of Carmelo …

… Alright, cities are generally viewed as extremely big and overrun by skyscraper, and it’s even more true when we think of futuri …

Page 12   Civil disobedience - Comment l’art permet d’exprimer ses émotions ?

… Chimienti Lisa 1ère Belledonne CO civil disobedience and whistleblowing La dénonciation est un concept qui est ancré dans l’ADN …

… Comment l’art permet d’exprimer ses émotions ? Intro J’ai choisi ce sujet parce que bien sûr j’aime l’art et je pense qu’il est …

Page 13   Comment l’entreprise Nike réussi à se développer afin de se différencier de ses concu … - Comparative Studies

… Vorona Alexandre 1-STMG2 Oral de Gestion 2022 Mots clés : Stratégie ; Nike développement ; Développement ; Stratégie commerciale …

… English : Comparative Studies In these two texts "Call me Arnold" and "God Bless America", there are two ways to see what Americ …

Page 14   Composition anglais - Correction bilan anglais

… Dear MRS Marion Since I saw you last Friday afternoon. I’ve thought a lot about the things that you said. You’re right. The mone …

… Bilan Anglais: Les bases: Donnez les équivalent de ces mots dans la langue visée. Je: I Tu: You Il: He Elle: She Nous: We Vous: …

Page 15   Correction de l’étude de cas sur Singapour - Critique Leave Me Alone Michael Jackson

… Correction de l’étude de cas sur Singapour II. L'affirmation d’une métropole littorale 3. • Premier plan : des axes de transport …

… Review of “Leave me alone”, Michael Jackson Even though he died ten years ago, the singer Michael Jackson has been recently faci …


… Sujet : CROISSANCE ET DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'ECONOMIE FRANCAISE Question 1 : Le seul indicateur appréciable est la croissance potent …

… Le nom : le nombre Petit contrôle de TD (5e semaine ?) + QCM (20min) + contrôle continu + interrogation écrite (13e semaine avan …

Page 17   Description affiche you can be dangerous - Dialogue anglais

… Anglais Description de l’affiche : « Your Hands Can Be Dangerous » This picture was created by Matriz in Brazil for the heath mi …

… O - Dis-moi mon amie, comment s’est passé ta vie de femme traditionnelle ? L - Tu sais, avant les choses étaient ainsi .Nous les …

Page 18   Dialogue anglais réseaux sociaux - Discours de la servitude volontaire de La Boetie

… L : Hello, have you seen the new video on fb ? K : No ! I don't have fb and I don't like ! L : Why ? We can do a lot of things w …

… Le Discours de la servitude volontaire Alors qu’il n’a que 18 ans, Etienne de la Boétie rédige un ouvrage intitulé le « Discours …

Page 19   Discours délibératif (HLP) - Does the shopping area have an anchor store?

… Discours délibératif (HLP) Mes chers camarades, mes chers amis j’ai l’honneur de pouvoir vous parler en ce jour. J’ai le plaisir …

… Store location We chose the bullring Does the shopping area have an anchor store? * Yes, there is two anchor stores which are lo …

Page 20   Dossier anglais - Dull Knife's Life

… David Beckham Résultat de recherche d'images pour "david beckham" C:\Users\Abdel\Downloads\url.jpg …

… Dull Knife's life : He was a child of the tribe of the Cheyenne of the North, he was also very resourceful, honest and simple. F …

Page 21   Dynamique territorial : coopération et tension dans le monde - Electric Cars

… Theme 2 : dynamique teritorial : cooperation et tension dans le monde Introduction : la coopération fait partie de la nature de …

… Electric Cars The term "electric motor car" recovers at present several concepts which have in common to resort to an electric e …

Page 22   Ellis Island.. - English presentation

… * Now explore Ellis Island. Go on the guided tour in order to complete the text. …

… Introduction : Living on the earth for a long time man has done damage. The earth becomes more and more fragile. In the pursuit …

Page 23   English project : going abroad for studies - Essay anglais

… ENGLISH ORAL PRESENTATION Hello, my name is Claire and today I will present you my project about going abroad and studying. Goin …

… Science-fiction movies have long predicted that epic battle would take place between man and machine. Do you think that some day …

Page 24   Essay anglais - Exemple compréhension écrite

… DIGUER Imane English « Write an essay » In recent years, crime has increased dramatically. However, studies has shown that crime …

… Vernier C.E Anglais 1èreG2 Paul-émile 1. For Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne the future of work is « that nearly half of …

Page 25   Exemple de discussion anglais "Binge Eating Disorder" - Exposé anglais

… BED disorder Unknow and misunderstood, the BED is a silent disorder who seem at first sight, like the gluttony when no diagnosti …

… Charles Amiel Classe de 1ère S1 Paris, le 19 Mai2019 Cher Monsieur Kirchenchteyn, Je vous adresse cette lettre car je suis sincè …

Page 26   Exposé Anglais - Le Tatouage - Expression écrite en anglais

… The Tattoo A tattoo consists of the insertion of a pigmentation in the second layer of the skin. The ink is deposited by the nee …

… EXPRESSION ANGLAISE Vous devez répondre aux deux questions en ANGLAIS : 1. Is the video funny or violent ? Justify your answer ( …

Page 27   Expression écrite, anglais - Fiche notion places and forms of power

… So, where are you driving me to dad ? I’m dropping you at mom’s house just for a week because I’m leaving for australia for busi …

… The notion I am going to deal with is Places and Forms of Power. This notion of Places and Forms of Power includes three ideas. …

Page 28   Fiche révision anglais débutant, commerce - François le Champi de Georges Sand

… 4- LE COMMERCE I- Les transactions commerciales : Echanges commerciaux : Commercial exchanges (synonyme: trades) Vendre : To sel …

… DIENG Pape Plan : 1. Un roman réaliste et romantique a) La réalité brute de la vie paysanne b) François le champi, l’exception 2 …

Page 29   Freddy Mercury - Girl at the miror

… Freddie Mercury is, nowadays, considered like a hero. Indeed, he is one of the most famous singer of the world. During all his l …

… -The document is a painting by Norman Rockwell. This painting was used for The Saturday Evening Post magazine like a lots of his …

Page 30   Global cities spaces - Guernica, Picasso

… (1. The text is an article written by David Lamb and published in September 2007 in the Smithsonian Magazine. It is entitled Sin …

… El cuadro se llama Gernica, fue realizar para Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso nace el 25 de octubre de 1881 y muere el 8 de abril d …

Page 31   Guerre Angleterre - High speed rail in Canada: Believe it or not.

… Lors de la signature de l'independance de l'irlande les anglais n’abandonnent pas la totalité du territoire irlandais. Ils garde …

… High speed rail in Canada: Believe it or not. Canada, which is one of the eight powerful countries in the world, still does not …

Page 32   Higher Education, location and form of power - How to clothe oneself and allow the education of one's children when one is in need?

… For the notion location and form of power we studied the theme of Higher Education. We can ask ourselves to what extent higher e …

… It is undeniable that the world is getting richer over time, that is a fact. Man is now able to become richer, and then to enjoy …

Page 33   How to Go on a Digital Detox ? - Idea of progress : how does the progress affect our society and our world?

… Listen and speak How to Go on a Digital Detox Propositions de réponses 1. There are special hotels that will offer you a ‘unique …

… Idea of progress To begin, I had like to state the definition of progress. We can define the idea of progress as a improvement, …

Page 34   Idea of progress : how the condition of women has evolved and what about nowadays in … - IKEA

… INDE I’m going to talk about the notion « IDEA OF PROGRESS ». This year in class we studied several documents about this notion …

… Today, IKEA reaches millions of homes around the world, but like all success stories, the IKEA success story began somewhere. At …

Page 35   Immigration - Introduction au droit constitutionnel

… Immigration characteristics of the immigration it's important to remind our history first colony in Virginia in 1607 by English …

… CM DROIT CONSTITUTIONNEL : Intro ; quesque le droit constitutionnel ? Réponse est quasiment impossible a donner Le droit constit …

Page 36   Introduction Historique au droit cas - IZAID - Pluie

… Formation Historique au Droit C1 Introduction Historique au droit : on fait de l’histoire du droit , matière qui recouvre 4000 a …

… IZAID - Pluie Le ciel est gris, j’rentre à la maison Tout irait mieux si tout allait mieux mais c'est pas simple J'entends des c …

Page 37   Jack the ripper - Kkijpok

… JACK THE RIPPER My subject is about the famous and mysterious Jack the Ripper. Everyone knows this great Londoner criminal, but …

… Enrique IGLESIAS Enrique Miguel Iglesias es un cantante compositor que tuvo mucho éxito gracias a su padre Julio Iglesias que su …

Page 38   L'Abbé Pierre - L'Ile aux fleurs

… Abbé Pierre Founder Henri Grouès, Abbé Pierre, he was born on August 5, 1912 in Lyon and died on January 22, 2007 in Paris, he w …

… Questions : 1. Why do you think this film won the international ‘Silver Bear’ prize at the Berlin Film Festival in 1989 ? I thin …

Page 39   L'impact de la technologie sur notre vie prive - La constitution actes fondateur de l’état

… The impact of the technology on everyone's private life From all over the world, information is so important for everyone to tak …

… 2- La constitution actes fondateur de l’état Septembre 1958, un referendum et est fait pour le peuple. Le peuple est a l’origine …

Page 40   La diffusion de l’information de nos jours à 1930 - La Princesse de Clèves, Madame de Lafayette

… Mercedi 3 Juin 2015 La diffusion de l’information de nos jours à 1930 Aujourd’hui l’information passe principalement par le web, …

… La Princesse de Clèves Informations sur l’auteur: Madame de Lafayette, auteur du XVII ème siècle est rattaché au courant littéra …

Page 41   La princesse, le poisson et le crapeau - Laurent Gaudé, Ouragan, incipit, 2010

… La princesse,le poisson et le crapeau Il était une fois une princesse qui s’appelait Magdalena,mais personne ne l’appelait par s …

… Laurent Gaudé, Ouragan, incipit, 2010 5 10 15 20 […] Moi, Joséphine Linc Steelson, négresse depuis presque cent ans, je prends l …

Page 42   Le 12 octobre le début de la colonisation (document en espagnol) - Le fonctionnement du système nerveux

… Para los Latinoamericanos el doce de octubre recuerda el comienzo de la colonización de su continente por los européo y la desap …

… I. Le fonctionnement du système nerveux 2) Sous prise de drogue Les prises de drogues et d’alcool ont divers effets sur notre sy …

Page 43   Le genre : féminin ou masculin - Le subjonctif présent

… Le genre : féminin ou masculin masculin Ø genre féminin + E Caméléon Les noms épicènes : ils existent à la fois au féminin et au …

… le subjonctif présent 1-formation: * verbes réguliers: RADICAL du verbe à l'infinitif + TERMINAISONS (inversées par rapport au p …

Page 44   Le théâtre en anglais - LES AMORTISSEMENTS

… Exemple Français Constantin La poésie : -Baudelaire, dans sa correspondance, écrit à propos du sonnet : « Parce que la forme est …

… I LES AMORTISSEMENTS Exercice N°1 1. Une machine outil M1 acquise le 01 / 08 / N-1 par la MAFEX, est amortissable selon le systè …

Page 45   Les atouts du port de Marseille-Fos - Les évolutions économiques liées à la révolution numérique

… Nous nous retrouvons aujourd’hui afin de vous présenter les atouts du port de Marseille-Fos ainsi que pourquoi vous devriez choi …

… CEJM CHAPITRE 1 LES EVOLUTIONS ECONOMIQUES LIEES A LA REVOLUTION NUMERIQUE Le développement de l’économie numérique affecte l’en …

Page 46   Les Faux-Amis En Anglais - Les noms composés

… LES FAUX-AMIS -Abuse: injurier, abuser de -Achieve: réaliser un projet -Actually: en fait, -Advertisement: une publicité -affair …

… Les noms composés Si man ou women est en première position et indique le sexe de la personne désignée dans le composé, les deux …

Page 47   Les rois du royaume de Juda (de 931 à 587 av..JC) - Lettre de déclaration de sinistre

… Roboam (931-913, 41 ans) : -Fils de Salomon et d'une ammonite -Intransigeance et manque de sagesse => division du royaume. -Ne p …

… 1 Société DOMI A l’intention de Monsieur Vertier 20 rue de Courcelles 75017 PARIS Nos réf. : DM/..-658 Objet : Paris Sinistre Le …

Page 48   Lettre de motivation en anglais - Literary Analysis: The Black Cat

… I am very interesing for the job I am in fond of accelarators of particuls I just stop to studies but with my formation, i can b …

… Instability Literary Analysis: The Black Cat Indisputable figure of writing, Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet and writer bes …

Page 49   Littérature anglaise, forbidden love - L’éternel débat entre la théorie et la pratique

… LELE Introduction: Hello, I introduce myself, my name is Coraline. I will tell you about the Forbidden Love. During my lessons I …

… L’éternel débat entre la théorie et la pratique S’il y a bien une chose qui caractérise la philosophie, c’est l’impressionnant c …

Page 50   L’étude de marché des jus de fruits. - Marivaux, l'île des Esclaves

… ETUDE MARKETING 1ère partie : l’étude de marché des jus de fruits. 1. Le marché des jus de fruits en France 1. Les différents in …

… Marivaux : L’ile des esclaves Présentation auteur et œuvre : Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux est plus connue sous le nom …

Page 51   Market Research - Hotel - Mens and mountains

… Marketing Research Assignment Executive Summary This report concluded that customers travelled as couple and families are most s …

… Thomas Bouf Creative Writing S1 English novel Mens and mountains It was late afternoon in Morzine when James and Clement decided …

Page 52   Mercatique et marché - Modern India

… Theme:mercatique et Marché Jumia food est une enterprise, en offrant des services de livraisons en ligne, il est en relation ave …

… Modern India. Firstly, we can observe at the level of the Indian population a growth and an imbalance between the number of men …

Page 53   Module Cartographie des Controverses – Rattrapage - Février 2021 - Mythes et heros

… Module Cartographie des Controverses – Rattrapage - Février 2021 Document personnel à rendre le 28 mars 2021 (18h) aux 2 adresse …

… Hello ! I'm going to talk about myths and hereos. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion : this notion i …

Page 54   Myths an hereos : how can we link the notion of myth to the notion of hero ? - Myths and heroes : how did heroes evolve ?

… Today we are going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. This year, we have studied many documents, we can link to this …

… MYTHS AND HEROES I’m going to talk about the theme myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the noti …

Page 55   Myths and Heroes : How do Heroes become legends, in moments where we need them ? - Myths and Heroes : Why are myths and heroes so important to our society ?

… Mythes and Heroes How do Heroes become legends, in moments where we need them ? 1. The definition of a Hero 1. An Heroic man * M …

… MYTHS AND HEROES So good Morning, I’m here today to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I will give a brief …

Page 56   Myths and heroes : why can we talk about witches in the 20th century America ? - Myths and heros : how does gothic litterature characterize a myth ?

… SYNTHÈSE D'ANGLAIS NOTION N°3 : MYTHS AND HEROES I will present the notion "Myths and Heroes". A myth can be defined as a story …

… Myths and Heroes - My topic is myths and heroes. First, I’m going to explain the notion and I will expose the texts that we have …

Page 57   Myths and heros: Because of the whistleblowers. That way, we can wonder: are the whis … - Notion anglais, myths and heroes.

… Myths and heros At the beginning of this notion, we saw a document which is a picture where we can see Barack Obama with headpho …

… Myths and Heroes I’m going to talk about the notion : Myths and Heroes, the first notion which I studied this year. A myth is an …

Page 58   Notion bac - Notions fondamentales du droit civil des biens

… We have studied the notion places and forms of power through the following problematics : “ How far can people enter your privac …

… Droit civil des biens – L3 Droit C. DROUILLER 2022/2023 INTRODUCTION GÉNÉRALE : Notions fondamentales du droit civil des biens I …

Page 59   Nottingham Forest PESTEL - Oral fiche, l'art

… 2.2 External Analysis : PESTEL Framework : A PESTEL analysis is divided into 6 points, corresponding to the 6 letters making up …

… L’Art *curiosité étymologique → en Grec, techne à donner le champs lexical suivant : technique, technologie, technicien. → en La …

Page 60   Oral idea of progress - PIB nominal et PIB réel

… The idea of progress the 21st century is a period in our history where, we, as humans, live in a constant evolution, we are cons …

… Document 3 : PIB nominal et PIB réel Soit un pays fictif appartenant à la zone euro : les statistiques suivantes indiquent l'évo …

Page 61   Pièce de théâtre sur le harcèlement - Places and forms of Power : where is the power in South Africa during the Apartheid a …

… Discours de délégué Bonjour à tous, Comme vous le savez je me présente aujourd’hui aux élections de délégués de classe car je me …

… Places and forms of Power I’m going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. First of all power is the ability to inf …

Page 62   Places and forms of Power notion terminale S oral de bac - Presentation of a extract of a newspaper

… Introduction : The notion I am going to deal with is about « Places and forms of power ». First, I’d like to introduce and give …

… I go you present a text extract of the newspaper : ITV new online. It was publish on may the twenty third in twenty o six and th …

Page 63   Presentation of Coca-Cola - Purpose and process

… Coca-Cola I am going to present you the brand coca-cola which is a brand famous worldwide. It’s the coca-cola logo, it is recogn …

… MODAUX Must * it’s absolutely necessary to obey a rule, law, order, or instruction * to express logical conclusion or it’s the n …

Page 64   Quel manager vouliez-vous être ? - RAPPORT SUR BIG BEN

… Introduction : Le management et comme vous le savez certainement, un ensemble de techniques de direction, d’organisation et de g …

… DOSSIER ANGLAIS N°1 Big Ben Introduction Hello,First I will present BIG BEN, then another time I'll tell you the story and the v …

Page 65   Réconciliation avec le résultat net (document en anglais) - RESUMEWORLD CUP 2022

… Reconciliation to net income: significant one-off burdens due to impairments. The reconciliation from the operating result to ne …

… I’m gonna talk about the 2022 Football World Cup wich took place in Qatar last month. I’m not gonna talk about an article but I’ …

Page 66   RETOUR D’EXPERIENCE REX - Seats and forms of power BAC ORAL ANGLAIS


… Seats and forms of power The notion I’m going to introduce you is Seats and Forms of Power. We can say that power is the ability …

Page 67   Seats and forms of power, the movie "Selma" - Snapchat

… Seats and forms of power 1. INTRO I'm going to talk about the notions of seats and forms of power. The power is the ability to e …

… Anglais Cette vidéo est tiré de la chaine télévisée BBC. Elle démontre les effets néfastes d’une application appelée SNAPCHAT. S …

Page 68   Socialism - Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport

… First, let’s try to define socialism. If we open a dictionary, it’s written that it means “various economic, social and politica …

… SPACES AND EXCHANGES 1. Second English notion – bac 2017 First document Second document Third document A story of boycotts of th …

Page 69   Spaces and exchanges : the immigration and young people - Spaces and exchanges: why is India said to be a country of contradiction?

… At first, i’m going to give a definition of “Spaces and exchanges”. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something els …

… ORAUX ANGLAIS SPACE AND EXCHANGES I’m going to talk about spaces and exchanges. To begin with we can define it as the different …

Page 70   Spanx Research plan - Superheroe en anglais pour le bac

… Gerelateerde afbeelding ________________ Title page Academic writing A.G Stijnberg 500726949 IL4C Amsterdam, 03/2019 Amsterdam S …

… On monday morning, a woman in distress was rescue by a mysterious man. She couldn’t go out anymore with the huge number of hous …

Page 71   Support for women... - Synthèse spe LLCEA terminale  « women’s emancipation »

… Introduction : This texte is untlited « Support for women returners is key to closin the gender gap ». The subtittle is « Many b …

… In this synthesis, we will rely on 3 documents to study our subject matter. The first one is a lecture, « Barbie at 60: instrume …

Page 72   Synthèse sur un audio - Tensions de l'entre deux guerres

… HERMOSO Guillaume TS-1 The Future of Food : Cet audio est un discours d’une femme nous expliquant l’intérêt et témoignant de son …

… Tensions between countries in Europe appeared after a conflict that opposed France and Prussia, the Franco-Prussian War, in 1870 …

Page 73   Terminologie économique anglaise - The brand Harley Davidson

… The aim of this class is to look at several areas of terminology which should help you in your studies of economics. Each week, …

… Harley Davidson is a mark of motorbike riginated from the USA. This company was founded in 1903, it is the first builder of moto …

Page 74   The Brand Zara - The evolution of Rugby

… I’m talk about the Brand Zara, which is part of the Spanish group Inditex, world leader in the garment industry by sales and pro …

… Rugby, a sport I think everybody knows, has really evolved since the beginning of the 21st century. Playing rugby is not easy an …

Page 75   The formation of a hurricane - The idea of progress and myths and heroes

… * The formation of a Hurricane: A hurricane is a really strong tropical depression and his power can be 10 times stronger than t …

… I. Present the notion you have to deal with: o I’m going to talk about the notions of the Idea of Progress and Myths and heroes. …

Page 76   The idea of progress, is progress always positive? - The mayflower

… Is progress always positive ? I am going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress First of all I would like to give a de …

… The Mayflower We have arrived on the shores of the new world, but before describing it to you, I will tell you about the adventu …

Page 77   THE MIGRATORY WAVE IN EUROPE - The simple past

… THE MIGRATORY WAVE IN EUROPE INTRODUCTION Since a few months, European Countries watched several thousand of migrants cross Medi …

… Formation du “Simple past”=prétérit =pour parler d’une action révolue dans le passé *Verbes Réguliers= BV + ED (Forme Affirmativ …

Page 78   The smell of apples - Theme Anglais Oral Bac RICK ET MORTY

… PROMPT #1 DAYLY OF AFRIKANER RACIST After the second world war, the colons decided to stay in South Africa and live there. Those …

… RICK AND MORTY Rick and Morty is an American adult animation series created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon on December 2, 2013 …

Page 79   Thème d'anglais : Barack Obama - Topic 1 worksheet 1

… Thème 1 : Barack Obama My subjet is about Barack Obama the 44 president of the United States. In my first part I will talk about …

… Sandra Ibáñez Rodríguez Grupo 310 TOPIC 1: WORKSHEET 1 1. Discuss the intended meaning of the following utterances and say wheth …

Page 80   Torquemada, Victor Hugo - Trip

… Victor Hugo a été le chef de file du romantisme au XIX ème siècle. Il a composé une oeuvre gigantesque qui témoigne de nombreux …

… Once upon a time, there was a young man named Eren desperately hoping that one day something or someone would break his emotiona …

Page 81   Trip in London, en français - Utopie en anglais

… My trip in London En 2012 pour mes 14 ans je suis partit à Londres avec mon père pendant deux jours. J’ai pris le train à la gar …

… My utopia This country is named Joy, it’s like a paradise, or even a world, where everything aims at perfection. The one and onl …

Page 82   Vaccin Sputnik - Vocabulary

… In August 2020, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin surprised the world by approving its first domestically developed covid-19 vac …

… (The diary was written by Indiana James, who emigrated with her father from Indiana to California.) February 28, 1850 It was so …

Page 83   Vocabulary chapter five - What I learned

… * crossroads (junction) (n.) * routemaster bus → double-decker /ˌdʌbəlˈdεkə/ bus (n.) * taxi (cab) (n.) * traffic lights (n.) * …

… Three years ago, I could not properly do an oral presentation with a nice slideshow, I had just learned the basics skills to mak …

Page 84   What make - York's presentation

… Lesson: “what make” MANIAC: exercise: 1)a- Watch the trailer: Key words: science appreciate the structure of the mind pa …

… York’s presentation We are going to present York who is the Clark’s slave. York was born in 1770, in the Caroline County near of …

Page 85   Young Juveniles - “We wanted flying cars, we got 140 characters instead”

… Young juveniles in their first stage of life, they represent a positive picture from whom they grow up as family and society. St …

… “We wanted flying cars, we got 140 characters instead” Pete Thiel says “we wanted flying cars, we got 140 characters instead”. I …