Lv2 Anglais bac ORAL notion : Idea of progress
Fiche : Lv2 Anglais bac ORAL notion : Idea of progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lg76 • 16 Mai 2018 • Fiche • 306 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 452 Vues
I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debated between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. Now, I propose we look at a question : « Should we fear progress ? »
Grand I
Behind technological advance on health and is upgrade , there’s one dream. To become immortal. The Singularity University , one of the biggest firm , become the new attractive point. On this campus situated in the South of San Francisco, researchers would develop crazier projects some than the others: fuels from micro-seaweeds, meat made in test tube, printable prostheses in 3D, exosquelettes returning their motricity to the tetraplegics and multiplying tenfold the strengths of the valid, and of course immortality. Works carry, as it is said, the possibility of downloading the soul as a simple digital file. The body would become a simple packaging. His death would not coincide then any more in the end of life. The soul would remain.
Grand II
But , humain need progress. For exemple our eat. We need a microwave , a furnace to cook our meal. Without this technology , we can eat .Or to heal us . How many times one MRI or a radio saves human lives? Or then a robot looks after us? Or still how many times we take medicine in a life? Without all this the human life would be quickler.
To conclude , we can said that humain need progress but we must remember from where we come and who we are. Progress is here to help humain life and not something else like make humain being immortal