Notion idea of progress
Commentaire de texte : Notion idea of progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar albert50 • 26 Avril 2018 • Commentaire de texte • 831 Mots (4 Pages) • 725 Vues
Idea of progress :
introduction :
I am going to talk about the notion of idea of progress.
First of all , let me introduce the definition of idea of progress ,the progress can be a movement forward , a scientific or technical (technologie) advance to make the world a better place and to improve the humain condition, it can be also involves danger and ethical questions.
I’ve chosen to illustrate this notion trough the world of the medecine , a subject that we studied in class . I would try to answer the question : “What are the effects of medical and technological progress on society ?” , In the first part we are going to explain what were the medical condition in 19/20's , then in a second part we are going to talk about the replacing nature trough example that we studied in class and enventually we are going (=le we are going je ne trouve pas d'autres formulation c'est trop répétitif ) to speak about the ethical aspect of progress.
Plan :
- medical condition
- replacing nature (compensate nature) (ex sourds)
- ethical aspectr of prgress
- Medical conditions during the 19th and 20th centuries
In 19th , the conditions of medical was very bad and dangerous , they operating peoples with street clothes , observers smokes during operations , surgeons didn't wash their hands befores the operations ,Moreaver they didn't wear gloves , scrubs .Because of that there were a lot of infections then high mortality rate of nearly 50 pourcent .
To resolve that , They developed technical and materials to practice surgery. For instance as surgical cap , gloves that decreases the death from infections. In addition , in 1867 , Lister a british surgeon publishes an revolutionary idea , the antiseptic for the practice of surgery . To clean wonds and lead to general adoption . The antiseptic surgical save life of people . Besides the vaccines also protect peopke of smallpox in 1796.Invented by E .Jenner sometimes called the father of immunology.
- medical and technological progress can replace nature
Today , medical and technological progress can replace nature. We see in class documents to show us that the progress can replace or complete nature. Grayson Clamp a child who was born without nerves wich connect his ears with his brain was completly deaf. To communicate he used his hands gestures. Grayson was the first child in the world to received an auditory implant wich is a device wich connect his ears with his brain in North carolina .The operation has a very successful consequences on his life . The 3 years old boy now can say a few words , for hear voices he's wearing a hearing aid .He can also learn how to speak . And a very important think for he can communicate with his parents . For the future he won't be assisted evry day therefore, he will integrate society (school) more easily .The medical and technological progress has good effects on society . It's tremendous that now we can give people things that the nature forgot to give to them .