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The idea of progress : are humans victim of progress?

Fiche : The idea of progress : are humans victim of progress?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Octobre 2018  •  Fiche  •  1 792 Mots (8 Pages)  •  622 Vues

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I am going to present the notion idea of progress.

For me, progress is a concept that implies the improvement in all the domains. It allowed the greatest advances in our history and continues to improve our world. However, it necessary to remember that progress is beneficial only if it is ethical. Its influence varies according to the time in which it is done and to the group that benefits from it.

We are going to ask ourselves if humans are beneficiaries or victims of progress.

First, I will present the advantages of progress.

For example, the transport revolution was huge step forward for our world. It allows us to travel quickly and easily all around the world. Nowadays, you can be in Paris in the morning and be in New York few hours later. In addition, there are different means of transport like cars, airplanes, buses, boats etc. It also allows transporting goods throughout the world. Globalization was facilitated, we can transport more in less time.

Next, the industrial revolution facilitated the production in different sectors with the invention of the steam machine. We can now produce more in less time.

At the same time, the numerical revolution is the most important advance that our world has ever known. Internet is a search engine in which we can do many things like studying, shopping, follow the news. Plus, the social networks allows us keeping the contact with family and friends, meeting new people and expressing our thoughts.

Finally, the advances of the society and of the mentalities have greatly transformed our world. Today, you are free to be who you are everywhere you go. No matter your origins, religion, sex or sexual orientation, you are FREE!

Now, I am going to talk about the disadvantages of progress. Are we victims of progress? I am going to answer.

As matter of fact, the technological advances created/spawned a lot of issues, like climate change, for example which is one of principal challenge of our century. Moreover, the industrial revolution has increased the unemployment rate by replacing men with machines. To continue, the addiction to internet and to the new technologies affects many people. In fact, it is a true pathology that requires a treatment and a long follow-up, some people have to go to rehab to heal. The change of the mentalities have led to a conflict between those who follow the progress and those who keep their traditions. Some people think that the religions are an obstacle to progress. That spawns persecutions and disagreements.

To conclude, I am going to express my opinion about this subject. I think that progress is a paradox because it has allowed us to be free and independents in a certain way but makes us depend on the new technologies. However, progress never ends, we will always find solutions.


I’m going to present the notion places and forms of power. To begin, « Places » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace which is a symbol of the British monarchy, or the White that symbolises the American presidency. A place can also be a country, a state or a virtual place– influential enough to make things happen throughout the world. Next, the « Power » is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don’t. There are many forms of power which can take place in different ways. Having an influence on internet for example. That is why we are going to ask ourselves the following question:

In what ways do the social networks have power to influence public opinion?

Our world has radically changed since the creation of Internet. In fact, Internet allows us doing many things. Furthermore, it is accessible to everyone. Internet is a network in which we can learn and express. The social networks as Facebook, Twitter or Myspace are virtual places in which we can create an influence. Everybody can create a Twitter account and express himself anonymously or not. People are free to say what they think and can also become famous by doing it. This way they can spread their ideas and use it to influence the world.

For example, let’s talk about Jerome Jarre. Jerome Jarre is a French humourist known for his funny vines. Vine is a network in which we can post 6 seconds videos. At first, this young man only wanted to amuse people with his joy. He went around the world and met other Viners in France, in the US etc and extended his influence throughout the world. A few weeks ago, he created a campaign named the Love Army which helps to stop the poverty in Somalia. This viner decided to use his influence for a good cause, he wanted to change the world into a better place to live. And he did it, in fact, in only three weeks, the Love Army distributed more than 400 (four hundred) tons of water and more than 320 (three hundred and twenty) tons of food to the Somali people. This association helps more than 30 000 (thirty thousand) Somalis every day.

To conclude, I would say that social networks are a real form of power for different reasons. In fact, it is accessible to everyone and the story of Jerome Jarre shows up that an ordinary young man may become famous and extend his influence throughout the world.


I am going to present the notion spaces and exchanges. Spaces can be geographic as borders between different countries or virtual as internet. Moreover, there are different types of exchanges as exchanges of money, cultures, people (tourism or immigration) and exchanges of information’s too. Immigration could be a theme perfectly adapted to the study of this notion because it implies exchanges between populations of different spaces.


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