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Places and forms of power : How do people exercise conter power and different tools used was effective ?

Dissertation : Places and forms of power : How do people exercise conter power and different tools used was effective ?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Mai 2018  •  Dissertation  •  356 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 339 Vues

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I’m going to talk about the notion « places and forms of power ». First, I would like to give a definition of this notion : Power is a right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. I’m going to talk about the power and conter power to illustrate my notion. today counter-powers are multiplying in the world in different ways but their effects are often criticized. With the study of some document, i’ll try to answer the following question : How do people exercise conter power and different tools used was effective ? Firstly let’s talk about the various type of conterpower, Secondly I’ll talk about the effetcts of conterpowers in the world.

India is a country in strong development. First of all, we can see the document « Hindu God ganesh going hi-tech ». This picture show the desire in India to remain a vary religious country but also to be a modern country with the use of new technologies like computers, phone... In addition to new technologies, there are the creation of new headquarters with the picture « infosys technologies . Headquarters in bangalores, india ». This picture show the development of new quarters equipped with high tecnologies, business-oriented, its a innovative quarters in India. The new technologies shows the idea of progress but there is also the development of India’s image in the world. In fact, the India’s way of life expands in the word. To begin, with the cinema and Bollywood, we can see the movie « Jodhaa akbar ». Its a love story with battle, love, respect and tolerence. The movies allow the development of the image of India because it show their customs and their religion. Movies are seen around the world. To finish, there is also the indian soft power with the yoga which is done around the world. We can see the yoga on the picture of « the grouping in New York ». Its the huge representation in big city ! India is a developing country with the technologies but also with the


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