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Amor Fati

Commentaire de texte : Amor Fati. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mai 2018  •  Commentaire de texte  •  411 Mots (2 Pages)  •  744 Vues

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Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher from the late 19th century and  this video explains what Nietzsche calls Amor Fati. In latin, Amor Fati refers to a resolute enthusiastic acceptance of everything happens in one's life and it is for Nietzsche the formula for greatness in a human being.

"Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it - all idealism is medaciousness in the face of what is necessary - but love it ". This quote from Friedrich Nietzsche is the first key to understand what is "Amor faty". Our life is a mix of the good and the bad, the mistaken and the wise and we must not fight them but Nietzsche refuses to define what is ugly and what is wonderful.  The key word for Amor Fati is acceptance. But what doest it mean precisely ?

  • We don't have to erase our past because it can not be forgotten neither canceled. Nietzsche insists that we must fight against regrets and remorse because everything that happens in a one's life is considered necessary. It is therefore useless to wonder about how things could happened if we had reacted differently. We just have to accept.
  • In this way, the German philosopher teaches us to be "Yes sayers" loving what happens in one's life. We must accept our past and learn a lesson from our past experiences and we must stop complaining about them.  The acceptance is the key for everyone to become an Overman because, as explained by the same philosopher “that which doesn't kill us makes you stronger”. This is possible by learning to master and dominate the pain, because it is necessary, but not by fighing it.
  •  According to the philosopher, we spend a lot of time to stock of our mistakes or our misadventures of our personal and common life (in politics, economy, history) and we are always in opposition with what happens. So, fighting against resignation and fatalism and as a consequence against the eternal recurrence, is a method to fight against Amor Fati.

No coherence needed ...

In his Amor Fati theory, Nietzsche doesn't ask us to be consistent but just to have the ideas to hand that can solve our wounds. He neither asks us to choose between glorious fatalism or a vigorous willing but he allows us to have recourse to either depending on the occasion (as Machiavel tought us in The Prince). The occasion is the best weapon.


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