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486 Anglais dissertations gratuites 91 - 120

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  • Compte rendu code vestimentaire au travail

    Compte rendu code vestimentaire au travail

    Compte-rendu anglais Cet article publié dans The Charlotte Observer le 2 juillet 2014 traite le code vestimentaire sur le lieu de travail. Les cravates et les costumes ont été remplacés par un nouveau style vestimentaire décontractés dans plusieurs entreprises en Caroline du Nord. Le changement est lié à la suppression

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Compte rendu d’un passage de "Dracula"

    Compte rendu d’un passage de "Dracula"

    INT. CASTLE - BATHROOM - MORNING Narrator : After 3 days in the castle, Johnathan began to feel quite uncomfortable. He knew something was wrong about this place. That night, Johnathan only slept a few hours, and when he woke up, the uneasiness came back, just like all of this

    791 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Compte-rendu du texte teenage activist

    Compte-rendu du texte teenage activist

    DS : Alex Lin, Teenage Activist – corrected version This text is an adaptation from an online article found on It was published on April 5, 2010. It deals with a militant and teenager who is actively involved in the reduction of the trash of unwanted electronic products. As

    313 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Conjugaison des temps en anglais

    Conjugaison des temps en anglais

    PRESENT SIMPLE – DO/DOES EMBAUCHER VIRER FORMER QUELQU’UN UTILISATION HABITUDE FORME AFFIRMATIVE He employs/hires/takes on/recruits They fire/dismiss/sack/lay off We train someone FORME NEGATIVE We don’t employ She doesn’t fire I don’t train someone FORME INTERROGATIVE Do you employ ? Does it fire ? Do we train someone ? PRESENT PROGRESSIF

    251 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Conseils pour un oral

    Conseils pour un oral

    * TIP n°1 : “make it simple” * Utiliser une langue simple, claire, sans se compliquer sauf si nécessité (auquel cas il faut expliquer le vocabulaire * On ne peut pas restituer à l’oral tout ce qu’on a trouvé à l’écrit * Garder à l’esprit que les personnes qui écoutent

    420 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Consignes de préparation a l’oral d’anglais spe

    Consignes de préparation a l’oral d’anglais spe

    Consignes de préparation a l’oral d’anglais spe : - 1 seul sujet - Dossier de 4 à 6 documents : • ù!!! un article de presse obligatoire !!! : qui constituera le coeur de l’article et qui doit être rédiger en première nature en anglais • au plus 2 images • au plus 2

    2 729 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Convincing Speech on The Lord of The Rings movies

    Convincing Speech on The Lord of The Rings movies

    Earnslaw Burn’s valley of waterfalls, Mavora’s grandiose walkways and Arcadia Station’s spectacular mountainous scenery. The rocky valley of the Lonelands, Pelorus River’s emerald waters and not forgetting the magnificent village of Hobbiton, where everything starts. These are some of the fantastical landscapes we can marvel at when watching the

    358 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Cotton picking

    Cotton picking

    The document is an extract from an autobiography entitled 12 Years A Slave written by Solomon Northup in 1853 during slavery time which deals with the conditions of a slave in a cotton plantation in America. Indeed, the narrator is picking cotton in a plantation, in fact he is forced

    460 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Cours anglais CEO

    Cours anglais CEO

    Chief = chef indien avec une plume sur la tête Entrepreneur : He is a person who acts independently and is responsible for his actions. They are not legally subordinate to any other person. This is what distinguishes them from employees. They are free to organise their work as they

    1 604 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Cover letter

    Cover letter

    First name 118 Main Street Englewood, NJ USA 17 October 2023 Zen company 118 Main Street Englewood, NJ USA For the attention of the HR Director SUGGESTIONS FOR AN ECO FRIENDLY WORKPLACE Dear Mr Smith, I am writing to you to, share my ideas of the sustainable development in the

    271 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Creative Piece

    Creative Piece

    Creative Piece 15% of the Final Grade Due before 23:55 on Friday the 10th of November Disney’s The Little Mermaid (1989), Sleeping Beauty (1959) and Maleficent (2014) are all examples of creative work that draw upon, and re-present, material from a pre-existing text in order to produce something new. To

    1 034 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Criminal justice and criminal proceedings

    Criminal justice and criminal proceedings

    ANGLAIS Criminal justice and criminal proceedings To prosecute: take someone to a criminal court To sue someone: take someone to a civil court Only the state can prosecute you. The state prosecutes those charged with a crime. Ex: we have a contract; I deliver but you do not pay the

    6 164 Mots / 25 Pages
  • Dans quelle mesure l’amitié a-t-elle des limites ?

    Dans quelle mesure l’amitié a-t-elle des limites ?

    Intro : « Je trouve qu’il n’y a rien de plus triste qu’une amitié qui ne tient plus que par la colle des timbres-poste » cette citation de John Steinbeck résume bien l’idée de l’amitié dans le livre « Of Mice and Men ». L’amitié est un sentiment réciproque d’affection

    786 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Debate about gig economy

    Debate about gig economy

    Debate about gig economy Cons * My cousin currently works in the gig economy, and I believe you shouldn’t go into it. He is obsessed by money and he doesn’t have any time for his family, it’s dreadful. * Yes, in light of what you said you should really not

    767 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Description de document iconographique (vocabulaire complet)

    Description de document iconographique (vocabulaire complet)

    Description de document iconographique * Introduction : Commencez par décrire brièvement l'image en expliquant ce que vous voyez. * Lieu : Indiquez l'endroit où se trouve l'image ou où elle a été prise. * Contexte : Décrivez le contexte de l'image, tel que l'événement ou la situation dans laquelle elle

    577 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Description image en faveur de l'écologie

    Description image en faveur de l'écologie

    Through the window, we can see large factories that exhaust black smoke, it is called The Chimneys, this smoke hides the sky and the landscape in addition to polluting nature. The company that runs this factory takes up a lot of space, you can see that with the other buildings.

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Developing your small business

    Developing your small business

    ÉPREUVE TYPE 1 – Compréhension écrite Document support écrit n°1 Developing your small business If you’re running a small business that’s making waves across the UK, you may well be more than happy with the way things are. But for many British business owners, the ultimate goal is to

    2 058 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Devoir 2 Cned anglais LLCER AMC

    Devoir 2 Cned anglais LLCER AMC

    Votre texte passera automatiquement à la ligne pour laisser une marge au correcteur (Marge obligatoire sur chaque feuille, ne pas modifier). Commencez à saisir votre devoir ci-dessous : Exercice 1 : 1. What change do women bring in politics? Women make up a quarter of the 470 seats in the

    603 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Devoir d'anglais : écrire un article de journal

    Devoir d'anglais : écrire un article de journal

    Sujet: Write an article for the local newspaper to explain what you needed to create your own rooftop urban farm, how you were able to carry out your project and the benefits you get from this experience. Give specifics details on your location and how it affected your choices. To

    321 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Devoir d'Anglais N°3 cned 2023

    Devoir d'Anglais N°3 cned 2023

    Compte rendu d'un document audio sur Shakespeare (CNED 2023-2024) Au cours du XVIIe siècle, William Shakespeare écris de nombreuses pièces et concentre son écriture sur la critique de la politique de l’époque. Dans le document étudié, intitulé: “Shakespeare and history”, on étudie “Macbeth”, pièce qui a été écrite par le

    490 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Devoir d'anglais sur les fake news

    Devoir d'anglais sur les fake news

    Real or fake ? Fake news is information created to deceive readers. They are mainly published on social media to manipulate as many people as possible. Fake news is frequently retweeted because people find it distracting or shocking, but also because it sometimes supports their own vision of the world.

    347 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Devoir de gestion sur le stock

    Devoir de gestion sur le stock

    Contexte : L’enseigne Papier & Compagnie vend différentes fournitures de bureau, imprimantes et scanner. Après la reprise de l’enseigne par un nouveau gérant, M. Leblanc, celui-ci souhaite revoir la gestion de son stock. Il souhaite connaître les références générant le plus de chiffre d’affaires pour les rayons « Papiers imprimantes

    1 031 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Devoir maison anglais "faites un speech"

    Devoir maison anglais "faites un speech"

    The document in question is a flyer that discusses the state of Native Hawaiians. The exact source of this flyer is not explicitly mentioned, but it is likely produced by an organization or advocacy group working on behalf of Native Hawaiians, and further information may be available on the website

    323 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dialogue australie en anglais

    Dialogue australie en anglais

    Anonyme Collège 3e5 English : Final task (Australia) - Hi Lilly ! - Hi Josh, what's up ? - I just bought a ticket to Australia, I'll have an improvised trip ! - Good for you ! Traveling is so much fun. Where do you plan to go in Australia

    517 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Dialogue sur le transhumanisme en anglais

    Dialogue sur le transhumanisme en anglais

    Optimist (Alex): Hey Mark, have you ever thought about the incredible possibilities that Transhumanism holds for the future of humanity? Pessimist (Mark): Oh, not this again, Alex. I’ don’t understand why you're so fascinated with the idea of merging humans with technology. It sounds like a recipe for disaster. Alex:

    416 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Directions and completion

    Directions and completion

    Directions and completion - Up to date - All parts included - Directions followed for each part Content quality - Content summary :accurate, selective - Reactions: reflective, thorough Frequency, regularity - More than just first readings - Class/Group work notes applied to the novel - Sense of continuity with past

    1 623 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Discours anglais trinity

    Discours anglais trinity

    Projet anglais Ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers, and future students, I stand before you today with a unique perspective, having spent a year at Trinity University despite my French origins. I'm overwhelmed by the depth of emotions that come with this moment. It's an honor to be invited back

    306 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Discours animal farms en anglais

    Discours animal farms en anglais

    When I was a kid, I used to read this tale, over and over. I didn’t what to thinks about it. I found it last time, in the basement, alone, like me. Chapter 1 Once upon a time, a princess, in a castle [picture of the castle]. my thing that

    1 301 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Discours en anglais sur les constellations

    Discours en anglais sur les constellations

    We will start by seeing origin of the name of constellation of the Great Bear then that of Ophuichus and to finish that of orion. It is one of the most obvious constellations to observe in the sky, especially because it is the third largest in the sky, it looks

    330 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Discours en anglais sur un voyage à Londres

    Discours en anglais sur un voyage à Londres

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I am excited to present to you our carefully planned school trip to London for three people, designed with a budget of 1500 euros per person. This trip promises an enriching experience filled with historical insights, cultural immersion, and unforgettable memories. Day 1: Arrival in London

    721 Mots / 3 Pages

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