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Oral Anglais dissertations et mémoires


5 376 Oral Anglais dissertations gratuites 226 - 250 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 6 Août 2015
  • India, oral d'anglais

    India, oral d'anglais

    I'm going to talk about «the idea of progress». Today, we are living in a world where the globalization and the new technologies help some countries to develop. This developed countries are for example India, China, Brazil, South Africa,... The progress is at the heart of these societies. It's a technological progress, a scientifical progress, and on the top: a social progress. The social progress is related to the evolution of minds, and is also

    705 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Guide pratique de présentation orale de notion en anglais

    Guide pratique de présentation orale de notion en anglais

    Fiche présentation de la notion Voici un exemple d’amorce de présentation de la notion où les éléments soulignés sont préférables à quasiment tout type de document, les éléments non soulignés correspondent aux informations à ajouter selon le choix des éléments du discours de l’élève : Sept étapes sont à envisager pour une présentation complète. 1. Présenter la notion 2. Préciser le thème en relation avec la notion 3. Poser une problématique 4. Enoncer le plan

    353 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral banc anglais : Idea of progress

    Oral banc anglais : Idea of progress

    ORAL ANGLAIS : IDEA OF PROGRESS I am going to talk about the idea of Progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance that contributes to make the world a better place to live in. I decided to focus on the social progress, with the fight for women's right, especially since the 1960s. Indeed, the 1960s were a period of

    650 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Mini Biographie Oral Brevet Collège 2016 Anglais Antoine Griezmann

    Mini Biographie Oral Brevet Collège 2016 Anglais Antoine Griezmann

    I'd like to introduce you Antoine Griezmann He has got short fair haire , he's got blue eyes , he has a short nose , he has a small mouth and a shaved beard , he's got small ears . On the photo he wears Atletico Madrid's shirt , he measures 1 meter 76 and he weighs 67 kg , he is sporty and muscular , he is healthy and sociable , he is very

    1 660 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Analyse de fight club dossier bac anglais oral

    Analyse de fight club dossier bac anglais oral

    Fight Club analyses Fight Club is an american movie made by David Fincher, released in 1999 and adapted from the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, which was published in 1996. The stry's narrator is a man who finds little satisfaction in his job and his life in general, and created with the enigmatic Tyler Durden, an unconventionnal character, with whom he create the fight club, a club of clandestine fights, that allows to evacuate their discomfort

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • BAC Oral d'anglais

    BAC Oral d'anglais

    The organization of any society implies a particular distribution of power between its different groups. That is why, a society describes inequalities between those who have and exercise the power and those who have none or a little part of it. To explain what this notion of “power” means, I will try to consider power with its different forms and seats. First of all, power can take different forms. It can be found in politics,

    825 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Un oral d'anglais

    Un oral d'anglais

    The article I have chosen is about the Hubble Space Telescope and the seven exoplanets in orbit around the dwarf star TRAPPIST-1. In first, what is an exoplanet? It's only a planet outside the solar system. An exoplanet, or extrasolar planet, is a planet orbiting another star than the Sun. Exoplanets are evoked as early as the 16th century, but it wasn't until the 19th that exoplanets became the subject of scientific researches. The distance,

    461 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais bac oral form of power

    Anglais bac oral form of power

    Today I'm going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all, the notion of place could represent anything that holds power. Secondly, power is the ability to influence people's behavior, it can be related to law, money, media or education. For examples, the physical strength is a power who allows the law of the strongest, the power of money who generates corruption or a person dominating or having control

    944 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais Oral Notion

    Anglais Oral Notion

    EXPRESSION ORALE ANGLAIS 1 . a Many inequalities among citizens are present in India that's why, i'm going to talk about the Caste – System that is to say The Dalits. The Dalits, also called Intouchables or Harijans, are groups of individuals considered, from the caste system point of view, as non-castes and assigned to functions or trades considered impure. Present in India, and throughout South Asia, the Dalits are victims of many discriminations. The

    469 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais oral

    Anglais oral

    Father, wear a toast with his glass: Here we are now, around this table to celebrate chrisma’s day, and I’m thanking God every day for giving me a wife, and a wonderful daughter. And now let’s leave to celebration! (The family is sitting around the table, they are all looking to one another, Annah looks like she’s keeping a secret) Annah: Mother, Father, I’m in a relationship since 6 months and we planned to get

    671 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Devoir 1 oral d'anglais

    Devoir 1 oral d'anglais

    Behind the consensual images of India "the world's greatest democracy", the Indian "economic miracle" and the "emerging superpower", there appears a structurally unequal and conflictual society whose current, geopolitical and economic performances (internally and on the global market), are accompanied by highly problematic social and environmental "externalities". India, if intriguing and fascinating, is particularly challenging because of the ambiguities that cross it. Cataloged just two decades ago as one of the poorest countries in the

    424 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral d'anglais à propos de l'imagination

    Oral d'anglais à propos de l'imagination

    Nous étions le 12 juin 1960 . Ce jour-là ma vie et celle de mes deux petites sœurs Lyse et Daisy avait changé à jamais . Moi et Lyse étions dans notre champ en train de travailler alors que notre sœur Daisy était restée avec son fiancé William dans sa maison qui était à deux pas d'ici . J'entendais alors la sonnerie du téléphone de ma maison retentir . Je courrai pour avoir l'appel ,

    451 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Résumé d'une écoute orale en anglais

    Résumé d'une écoute orale en anglais

    Réponse à la question: In this video we have two mens. The video takes place in a car but also in the street. This video explains the role of computing and robotics in the future. The first man says that on 2020 there will be no more accidents. The other man compares the 1980s and 1990s with the vision of the future. Yes, I can’t wait because I think that as the man in the

    357 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral 1 anglais BTS CG

    Oral 1 anglais BTS CG

    1. BTS Comptabilité et gestion 1re année ANGLAIS Évaluation 1 oral Exemple de restitution orale en anglais Good morning, Mr Penaud, have a seat please. So I see you’re going to talk to me about a press article, aren’t you? Yes I am. This article entitled “Labor officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns” is dated April, 6th, 2010 and it was published in the International Herald Tribune. It was written by Steven Greenhouse. It

    930 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Synthèse Oral d'anglais LV1 : 3 notions en 1 : Mythes and Heroes & Places and formes of power + Idea of progress

    Synthèse Oral d'anglais LV1 : 3 notions en 1 : Mythes and Heroes & Places and formes of power + Idea of progress

    Myths and heroes Places and forms of power Idea of progress Introduction: * To begin with, i would like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on witch social values are often based. All cultures have myths, Mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions, and our heroes. On the other hand, a hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifice his whole life in order to

    996 Mots / 4 Pages


    Hello we go to see(visit) why the higher education can join the notion space and exchanges Today grace has association like Erasmus It is possible of studied has the foreigner We shall answer has the following question: Which is the place of the higher education in the world First of all we shall see the utility to study has the foreigner Then we shall observe The access has this education superior in various countries It

    1 452 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Campaigning, Oral d'Anglais - Seats and Forms of Power

    Campaigning, Oral d'Anglais - Seats and Forms of Power

    CAMPAIGNING, I’M AN ACTIVIST SEATS AND FORMS OF POWER (to) talk people into having a patriotic behavior (to) draw people’s attention (to) hammer ideas into people (to) raise people’s awareness (to) encourage people to (to) remind people of their civic duties (to) entice people into (to) struggle (to) strive (to) convince (to) advise (to) warn (to) prevent people from (to) manipulate (to) promote (to) influence (to) win people’s hearts persuasive effective involved endangered mindful convincing

    2 077 Mots / 9 Pages


    I am going to talk about the notion of progress, but first i would like to give you the meaning. Progress normally implies a change for the better, so if you make progress you improve. Analyzing this notion raises the following question, Does progress is always beneficial to mankind To begin with I’m going to talk about the Afro-americans rights which has also been promoted in the movie Selma. After the American Civil war and

    392 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Orale bac anglais

    Orale bac anglais

    I’m going to deal with te notion of myth and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that evolves over time an that conveys the ideas of a liven society. Heroes are often the characters of myths. A heroes in seen as someone special, who do things other peoples can’t. In order to illustrate the notion, have chosen to talk about witches an particularly How this myth evolved over centuries? First we will

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fiche anglais oral bac

    Fiche anglais oral bac

    Places and forms of power The notion I'm going to talk about is places and forms of power. First, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Power is the ability to exercise authority and influence over others. It can be exerted in different spheres : economy, politics, media but power is both a source of integration and conflict. Places can also refer to a country or a state, which is powerful enough to

    690 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais oral

    Anglais oral

    Lieux et formes de pouvoir I am going to talk about places and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : Power is the ability to control others, events, or resources and places can also be a country or a state, which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world. We can therefore ask ourselves : Is Internet a place and form of power ?

    461 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion oral mythes et héros spécialité anglais

    Notion oral mythes et héros spécialité anglais

    Hello, I am going to speak about 2 documents studied in class and a personal document, a 1964 painting by Norman Rockwell named “The problem we all live with” and an extract from “The Flowers” by Alice Walker published in 1973. Then for my personal document, it is a picture by Gordon Parks named “Willie Causey Jr with Gun during Violence in Alabama” in 1956. All of these 3 documents shows children during segregation. In

    653 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Lv2 Anglais bac ORAL notion : Idea of progress

    Lv2 Anglais bac ORAL notion : Idea of progress

    INTRO I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debated between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. Now, I propose we look at a question : « Should we fear

    306 Mots / 2 Pages


    Pistorius thought he had no power but he was mistaken. He had the power to contrôle his mind and this is what he do. He work hard to improve himslef in the handisport and had win 6 golds medals at paralympics games. And it this the first disable athlet who run with the able bodied and win a silvers medals at olympics games. The second documents talk about the trial of This years we studied

    395 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Progrès Anglais bac oral

    Progrès Anglais bac oral

    I’m going to talk about the notion of idea of Progress The notion of progress is a forward movement, an advance, a development. It can also refer to a gradual betterment, especially the progressive development of humankind. Progress implies changes in the way of life, traditions and vision of world. Is the progress always positive? To answer this question I chose two documents who speaks about advances in medecine. I have chosen these documents because

    507 Mots / 3 Pages