- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Conclusion Anglais Idée De Progrés dissertations et mémoires


125 663 Conclusion Anglais Idée De Progrés dissertations gratuites 676 - 700 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 30 Juin 2015
  • Quel intérêt à utiliser la peine de mort? (document en anglais)

    Quel intérêt à utiliser la peine de mort? (document en anglais)

    As we have seen throughout the presentation, death penalty has been a major political, social and judicial issue for several centuries in the whole world and more particularly, in that case, in the Unites States. It is still supported by the majority of the American population showing the controversy of the issue. Indeed, according to a 2011 Gallup poll, 61% of Americans favored it in cases of murder while 35% opposed it. However, being more

    244 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Rapport de stage BAC PRO en anglais

    Rapport de stage BAC PRO en anglais

    or ten weeks, I took a training session in (NOM DE l'ENTREPRISE) Company situated in (VILLE) near (VILLE). (NOM DE L'ENTREPRISE) Company is a nearness engineering leader implanted in manufacturing areas, where the activity is. I was affected to the E.I.A. (Electricity, Instrumentation and Automatism) Engineering Department of the company, which meets calls for tenders for development in the field of practice of Electrical Engineering. My duty was to contribute with engineers and technicians to

    905 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Rapport De Stage Anglais

    Rapport De Stage Anglais

    PR Assistant and Web Writer at the Welcome Gallery My name is M and I am currently in the final year of a Bachelor's degree in Luxury Marketing and Management in a French Business School in Paris ( ESGCI). I carried out an internship as Pr Assistant / web writer in an Art Gallery in Paris from february until the end of march. The Welcome gallery is located in Paris; it specialised in street-art. This

    585 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Analyse de rentabilisation Google en Chine (document en anglais)

    Analyse de rentabilisation Google en Chine (document en anglais)

    Donald Starling MGT 4478 XZIC (International Business) August 26, 2011 1. What philosophical principle did Google’s managers adopt when deciding that the benefits of operating in China outweighed the costs? Google’s managers used the utilitarian philosophy, which is weighing good versus bad. Utilitarianism is committed to the maximization of good and the minimization of bad. Utilitarianism weighs carefully the social benefits and cost of a business action and to purse only the actions where the

    604 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Les différentes progressions et évolutions de notre société ( en anglais)

    Les différentes progressions et évolutions de notre société ( en anglais)

    IDEA OF PROGRESS INTRODUCTION "The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilisation's vision of history . Progress implies change, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all . It's at the heart oh a heated debate between those who

    343 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Strategie De Marques (en Anglais)

    Strategie De Marques (en Anglais)

    Exposition: Brand Strategy Brands are everywhere: on the air (Aigle Azur), on the high street (Mercedes), in the kitchen (coffee-makers), on television (Dior), in your pocket (IPhone)…and maybe on your feet (Nike) We live in overcrowded, over-saturated, over-competitive world. A Company has to take control on its brand because it reflects its image Brands represent the sum of all valuable qualities of a product to the consumer. I – Definition a) What is a brand?

    1 449 Mots / 6 Pages
  • L'externalisation des entreprises à l'étranger - étude en anglais

    L'externalisation des entreprises à l'étranger - étude en anglais

    Many firms internationalize their activities abroad. In the current context of the development of international trade, companies are faced with competition from other countries, but may also take the opportunity to enter other markets for growth. The part of their turnover abroad is increasingly important, hence the need for good management techniques and strategies of international marketing. Most companies have engaged in the race for the internationalization, driven by the belief that it is an

    1 084 Mots / 5 Pages
  • L'exposition de Salvador Dali à Paris (document en anglais)

    L'exposition de Salvador Dali à Paris (document en anglais)

    I'm going to talk to you about the Salvador Dali exhibition in Paris. In fact, this exhibition takes place at the Pompidou center in Paris, it began the 21thof november and will ends the 25th of march. So we can currently see it. Dali is a painter and sculptor of the twentieth century that has surprised people with his extravagant topics. So this exhibition, devoted to the world of this painter, sculptor and writer Spanish,

    205 Mots / 1 Pages
  • La Silicon Valley, symbole de l'ingéniosité américaine (document en anglais)

    La Silicon Valley, symbole de l'ingéniosité américaine (document en anglais)

    Silicon Valley, a symbol of American ingenuity. I ° DESCRIPTION Silicon Valley is a center of high-tech industries located south of the San Francisco Bay in California. More than 7,000 high-tech companies are there bringing together more than 2 million scientists, making it one of the richest places on the planet. It is originally a vast military-industrial complex that at the end of the 2nd World War has turned into multiple companies whose creation was

    516 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Biographie de Marie Tussaud (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Marie Tussaud (document en anglais)

    Marie Tussaud was born Anna Marie Grosholtz in 1761 in Strasbourg, France. Marie Tussaud is an extraordinary character. The story of Madame Tussaud back more than 200 years, during which the museum is part of the experience of countless millions of visitors to London. Madame Tussaud has yet not always found in the British capital, and the history of its development is just as fascinating as the museum itself. Fatherless, she was raised by Dr.

    442 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Biographie de Jackie Chan (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Jackie Chan (document en anglais)

    asffffffffffffffffffffChan was born on 7 April 1954, in British Hong Kong, as Chan Kong-sang, to Charles and Lee-Lee Chan, refugees from the Chinese Civil War. He was nicknamed Pao-pao Chinese: 炮炮 (literally meaning "Cannonball") because the high-energy child was always rolling around.[3] Since his parents worked for the French ambassador in Hong Kong, Chan spent his formative years within the grounds of the consul's residence in the Victoria Peak district.[4] Chan attended the Nah-Hwa Primary

    557 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gorillaz le groupe de musique anglais

    Gorillaz le groupe de musique anglais

    « KIDS WITH GUNS » - GORILLAZ • Introduction Gorillaz est un groupe de musicien anglais. Leurs styles de musiques sont un mélange principalement de Britpop(sous genre de rock alternatif), de Hip Hop(rap, Djing, break dancing, graffiti...), de Trip Hop(clavier, platine, cuivre, cordes frottées) et de de Dub(reggae). Ce groupe est crée en 1998. • Plan Donc, « Kids with guns » qui signifie « Les enfants aux pistolets » essaie de faire passer un

    243 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Children Of Eden la pièce musicale de Stephen Schwartz (document en anglais)

    Children Of Eden la pièce musicale de Stephen Schwartz (document en anglais)

    Children of Eden is a two-act musical play with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and a book by John Caird. The musical is based on the Book of Genesis. Act I tells the story of Adam and Eve, Cain, and Abel, and Act II deals with Noah and the Flood. Though it had a short run on London's West End in the Prince Edward Theatre and has never played Broadway, the show is popular

    1 067 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Fiche de lecture sur le droit anglais

    Fiche de lecture sur le droit anglais

    Le droit anglais, applicable en Angleterre et au pays de Galles, ne s'est pas inspiré du droit romano germanique. En effet, c'est un droit qui est majoritairement jurisprudentiel à l'inverse du second qui se base sur des concepts juridiques. Cet ouvrage présente de manière précise les différents principes qui régissent le système juridique anglais tant au niveau de la dualité du droit, de ses sources mais aussi de la diversité des règles relatives aux contrats,

    1 154 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Guerres Mondiales Et Espoirs De Paix: En quoi la brutalisation progressive des 2 guerres a permis aux idées pacifistes de se développer ?

    Guerres Mondiales Et Espoirs De Paix: En quoi la brutalisation progressive des 2 guerres a permis aux idées pacifistes de se développer ?

    Guerres mondiales et espoirs de paix Intro Les deux guerres mondiales ont eu un impact très important sur l'histoire du XXe siècle. Dans la mesure où, pour la première fois, l'effort de guerre mobilise l'ensemble de la société, et où l'ensemble de la population, civile et militaire, est touchée, on a qualifié ces deux guerres de guerres totales. Elles se caractérisent également par une escalade dans la violence, la Seconde Guerre mondiale allant même jusqu'à

    555 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Définition de l'idéal d'évolution (en anglais)

    Définition de l'idéal d'évolution (en anglais)

    I’m going to talk about the notion Idea of Progress. First of all, I’d would like to give a definition of this notion. In historiography, the "Idea of Progress" is the theory that advances in technology, science, and social organization inevitably produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality of life (social progress) through economic development and the application of science and technology (scientific progress). The

    248 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Histoire et civilisation britanniques: idées politiques, État et société (document en anglais)

    Histoire et civilisation britanniques: idées politiques, État et société (document en anglais)

    British History and Civilization: Political Ideas, the State and Society Read carefully the text of the 1689 English Bill of Rights; then read carefully Lois G. Schwoerer’s article « The bill of Rights: Epitome of the Revolution of 1688-89 ». Then develop the following questions: 1) Why Lois G. Schwoerer disagrees with the traditional conservative reading of the Bill of Rights? She advances two points or arguments for her own interpretation, summarize them and explain.

    976 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Devoir Culture Générale et expression: analyse des documents et extraction des idées à retenir

    Devoir Culture Générale et expression: analyse des documents et extraction des idées à retenir

    Culture Générale et Expression Devoir n°3 1. Analyse des documents et extraction des idées à retenir 1.1 Le document 1 est un article de type informatif écrit par Claude Fischler. L’article a été publié dans le numéro hors-série sorti en juillet août 2004 du magazine Nouvel Observateur. L’auteur souhaite démontrer que depuis la mise en garde au XIXe siècle des médecins sur les effets néfastes de la graisse, les habitudes, les modes ont complètement changé.

    435 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Nespresso, étude de cas en anglais

    Nespresso, étude de cas en anglais

    Following the presentation of my friends, I will give you now some technical specifications Nespresso company, headquartered in Switzerland, is a subsidiary of Nestlé group since 1986. He sells coffee machines pods. These capsules are distributed only within Nespresso shops Nespresso takes root in many countries such as Switzerland, France, Italy, Japan and the United States (the brand is now present in 50 countries). In 2011, the company achieved a turnover of 2.95 billion euros,

    1 102 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Étude du film Full Metal Jacket de Stanley Kubrick (document en anglais)

    Étude du film Full Metal Jacket de Stanley Kubrick (document en anglais)

    The movie i’m going to present is entitled Full Metal Jacket, it is a 1987 vietnam war film produced by Stanley Kubrick. The film title refers to the full metal jacket bullet used by infantry riflemen. This movie is based on a book written by gustav staford in 1979. This movie has received a critical acclaim athough it wasn’t awarded. Full metal jacket shows the 1968 trek of one marine, private Joker, as he goes

    550 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La modification de la structure familialle (synthèse en anglais)

    La modification de la structure familialle (synthèse en anglais)

    Idea of progress How does the evolution of society influence the family structures? I traditional families On the listening comprehension four teenagers give their opinions on family and explain if they prefer big or small family. The first teenager thinks that a big family is really good because we can always play or do something with someone and you know good value like shoring. The second explain that live in a small family is great

    887 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Les données relatives aux investissements directs étrangers (IDE) dans le secteur de l’immobilier au Maroc

    Les données relatives aux investissements directs étrangers (IDE) dans le secteur de l’immobilier au Maroc

    Les données relatives aux investissements directs étrangers (IDE) dans le secteur de l’immobilier au Maroc montrent que ce secteur commence à représenter un champ d’intérêt important pour les capitaux étrangers. Les IDE dans l’immobilier se sont accrus à un taux annuel moyen de 19% au cours de la période 2004-2011, contre un taux de 4.4% pour l’ensemble des IDE. En termes du poids relatif, les IDE dans l’immobilier représentent au cours de la période 1996-2001

    1 631 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Lieu Et Forme De Pouvoir ( Anglais )

    Lieu Et Forme De Pouvoir ( Anglais )

    Places and forms of power I’m going to talking about the notion of places and forms of power. In the whole world, it exists many conflicts between the different cultures in a same country or a same community. We are going to analyze specifically the population of South Africa. In the past, South Africa was divides in two communities: Blacks and Whites also called Afrikaners . This opposition left marks in the history of the

    537 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Finance: le Taux de croissance des revenus (document en anglais)

    Finance: le Taux de croissance des revenus (document en anglais)

    Finance Perspectives: Revenue Growth Rate Revenue Growth Rate Revenue Growth Rate is an indicator of how well a company is able to grow its sales revenue over a given time period. While the revenue is an actual number, the revenue growth rates simply compares the current sales figures (total revenue) with a previous period (typically quarter to quarter or year to year). This provides an indicator that allows easier comparisons between different firms (especially in

    1 273 Mots / 6 Pages
  • La crise du canal de Suez (document en anglais)

    La crise du canal de Suez (document en anglais)

    In 1956, and following the Suez Canal crisis causing rationing oil, Sir Leonard Lord, while senior British Motor Corporation (BMC) asked Alec Issigonis to build an economic vehicle, the prototype will be produced only after eight months of study and will be launched in October 1957. The first vehicle, equipped with a 948cm3 engine, reaches a speed of 145km/h. Alec Issigonis, who appreciates Citroën and ideas, choose a direction "just before." The choice of engine

    9 591 Mots / 39 Pages