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James Joyce , en anglais

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Par   •  9 Avril 2014  •  930 Mots (4 Pages)  •  837 Vues

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James Joyce was born in the city of Dublin on February 2 in the year of 1882. His father, John Stanislaus Joyce, struggled while moving from profession to profession in an attempt to build a life for his family. The family hid their true level of poverty from others by masquerading as a middle class family. In order to educate their son, from the age of six years old James attended Clongowes Wood College where he was taught by Jesuits. This school would later serve as inspiration in his later novel Portrait of the Artist as a young man. Joyce did not agree with the strict religious views of the school, however; he credited his educators during the time with helping to teach him to think straight.

In 1898 Joyce attended University College in Dublin where he began studying modern languages. He began to work on writing different styles of poetry, mostly lyric poems. After graduating from University, Joyce traveled Paris, following in his father’s footsteps, Joyce worked at a lot of different professions during his time in France. He returned home to Ireland only to saw his mother who was in grave health. His mother passed away shortly upon his arrival home in Ireland.

After the passing of his mother, Joyce’s writing career really began to flourish as he created the works which made him the we ll known and respected writer that he has become today. He was able to publish « Dubliners », « Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man », and « Ulysses » in a period of eight years. These works are still studied and highly praised today and Joyce himself is considered to be one of the most extraordinary authors of his time. The most famous of all this books is certainly « Ulysses ».

« Ulysses », often considered Joyce’s most intricate and respected work, also took the longest time to write. Although he began work on « Ulysses » in 1914 he actually had been developing the idea for the novel quite a few years before. The main characters in « Ulysses » are said to be parallels to the Homer’s epic poem « The Odyssey ». This modern version of the classic includes many similarities such as influence from the Gods, and even a wife trying to be seduced by a suitor.

James Joyce suffered through many health problems later in life because of his difficult life. He went through several major eye surgeries in attempts to help with his severe vision problems. In 1941 he suffered from a perforated ulcer. Although he underwent surgery and temporarily improved this ulcer was ultimately the cause of his death. He fell into a coma shortly after the surgery and finally passed away on January 13th 1941. He was not permitted by the Irish government to be buried in Ireland and his body remains today in Zurich, the place where he lived 21 years before his death.

The struggles of James Joyce are well portrayed in his many works which he left behind for people to read and study. His writing is today considered truly profound and Joyce is still categorized as one of the most famous authors of his time.


Joyce has been the subject of numerous studies. He had a great influence on writers as diverse as Samuel Beckett, Jorge Luis Borges, Louis -René des Forêts, Flann O'Brien ( writer


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