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Theme D'anglais

Commentaires Composés : Theme D'anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mai 2014  •  302 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 847 Vues

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Theme 1 : Sir Alex Fergusson

Sir Alex fergusson was born 31 December 1941 in Govan, a district of Glasgow , Son of Alexander Beaton Ferguson, a tackler in the industry of shipbuilding, and his wife, Elizabeth Hardie1, Alex Ferguson was born in the House of her grandmother on Shieldhall Road, Govan, 31 December 1941. He grew up in a building at 667 Govan Road which has since been demolished where he lives with his parents and his younger brother Martin. He attended Broomloan Road and later Govan High School elementary school. It is then support Rangers , one of the two major clubs in the country, based in Glasgow. It is a Scottish football player and coach.

Famous manager of the club English Manchester United from 1986 to 2013, Ferguson has previously been a good level of the Scottish League striker then coached several Scottish clubs: East Stirlingshire, St. Mirren and Aberdeen, which he led to the European Summit. It is also briefly Manager of the Scottish national team. Appointed in 1986 in Manchester, Ferguson won from 1990 many trophies. Most coach in the history of the English Championship with thirteen tracks, he holds many other records which the largest number of Premier League Manager of the Season. In 2008, he became the third manager to win the European Cup on more than one occasion British. In 2011, it exceeds the record for longevity on the United Bench held up there by Sir Matt Busby.

He was knighted in 1999 by Queen Élisabeth II for services to British football and was offered the keys to the city of Aberdeen that same year. At the end to finish it seems to me that this is the only coach of football in England to have Queen Elizabeth II knighted not summer


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