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Places And Forms Of Power - India

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Par   •  18 Mai 2014  •  544 Mots (3 Pages)  •  13 123 Vues

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The notion I'm going to deal with is Places and forms of power. I would like to illustrate this notion through India because it's an emerging country, the second most populous country in the world. My topic is: Are all citizens on an equal footing in modern India?

Firstly, I would like to talk about inequalities among citizens.

There is a caste system which divides the society into four social classes. In the lowest classes of society there are the Dalits, who are outcasts. No one can change the cast into they were born and they can't get married with someone belonging to another cast. There are 170 millions Dalits in India, and most of them live on less than 2 dollars a day. The caste system is oppressive and prevents people from all being on an equal footing.

There is a vast gap between rich and poor. For instance there are 69 billionaires whereas 800 millions people live below the two dollar a day. We can say that there are two faces of India, on the one hand booming, the India tiger, and the other hand poverty. There is an emerging middle class too, with about 300 millions people. But a majority of Indians are struggling. We have studied Dharavi Slum, the largest slum in the world, about one million people live there, in squalid condition, below the poverty line.

Secondly, India is a country with inequalities among men and women, mainly because of the dowry tradition. A dowry is a sum of money given by the bride's family to the husband's family as a compensation to the boy's education. Boys are financially far more attractive than girls, so many parents don't want to have daughters. The dowry tradition is deeply rooted in Indian society. But finding the sex of the baby before birth is illegal therefore girls are murdered, it's the gendercide.

Today the number of girls born in India is at an all time low. Indian society is becoming an increasingly male dominated society. Girls are often unwanted children. In the text Another girl, Kavita has given birth to a baby girl, so she fears her husband get ride of the child because they can't pay the dowry, and they need a boy to help them in the fields. There is a low female literacy rate because girls have less access to education than men.

Still, we can see the evolution of India. On the one hand, there is a changing economy. The text Changing India explain that today some women had good jobs, they become breadwinners through microcredit. India has also it own space program, there are world-class information technology firms, and great engineering. There is a film industry, Bollywood. Some of Indians have fought their way out of poverty and gone from rags to riches.

On the other hand, there is a shift into people's state of mind, because Indians are allowed to divorce, they grabbing hold their destinies. India is the greatest democracy in the world, women have been elected as head of state and prime minister so Indians are open-minded.

To conclude, India is a country of contrast, contradictions, citizens aren't on an equal footing but there is an evolution into Indian society and economy.


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