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I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU - écrit personnel d'une rupture

Dissertations Gratuits : I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU - écrit personnel d'une rupture. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Mars 2013  •  2 559 Mots (11 Pages)  •  932 Vues

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I will never forgive you for what you have done to me. You heartless cruel creature.

4 years of what?! for what?!

It's not fun when it finally hits home and you realize how much of a ******* doormat you actually were.

Years wasted, spending every waking moment preoccupied with his happiness. Every second spent in fear and anxiety terrified of when the next torrent of abuse would strike, trying to do every little thing possible to prevent. Spending all my energy, love and money on trying to make his life as comfortable and stress free as I could. Years spent apologizing for his mistakes and his insecurities, and feeling genuine guilt and remorse for things that were HIS fault not mine. I honestly don't know how i survived all those years in that state.

It's like a cold hard slap in the face every new realization you have about what he was actually doing to you.

There aren't words foul enough to describe what a disgusting and lowly sniveling soulless little creature he truly is.

The more and more I start to remember and learn about what you put me through Dion the more angry I become. I have actually escaped from a living nightmare. And now that I am finally breaking free of this web of lies and manipulation you spun me into, the more I learn how disgusting you really are. You pathetic little man, incapable of anything but selfishness, and taking and victimizing yourself. Although I have to hand it to you, you are so very good at what you do, you are the craftiest manipulator I have ever been so unlucky to come across. You managed to turn me into the perfect little slave. And the more you took and abused me the more guilty i felt and the harder i tried. Bravo! You son of a *****.

I have never been able to hate anyone in my entire life, but I am sure as hell coming close to it with you. Never again will i ever get caught in a trap like yours. never ever again. You used me without mercy and beat me into the ground, chipping away at my confidence, at my happiness, at my sanity bit by bit every day. You are poison, absolute poison. I will eventually bleed the poison out but you will never be more than the sniveling repulsive little worm that you are. You are absolutely devoid of any love or compassion at all. If I could ever bring myself to forgive you I might even almost pity you. You will only ever bring misery and pain to everyone who has the misfortune of cairn about you. And you will never cease to use people and discard of them like garbage when you've had your fill. You really are a sorry excuse for human being. It's truly sad how deluded you are with your false illusions of grandeur, and superiority.

You ******* pathetic coward, who would be too scared and anxious to even open the door for his friends sometimes, but you still found the courage to scream abuse at me, and belittle me and abuse me. What a brave little man you are.

I am so so so angry!!! Im angry at him and angry at myself for falling into his little trap. The last seven months we lived almost entirely off of my wage alone, and I payed over three quarters of rent each month. He was too good to work a normal job like everyone else. He quit his full-time work so he could freelance from home. And being the good little doormat that I was supported him and told him that was okay, and I never once made him feel guilty for it or pushed him to find more work, because he would always seemed so stressed about it. I even did more around the house to try and help soothe his anxiety. I worked full-time did all of the cleaning, shopping, cooking, and as if that was enough would spend time giving massages and trying to talk up his morale, even after he'd spent the night before screaming abuse at me and belittling me to the point where I would sit alone in my study in tears and speaking with lifeline because he would make me think I was so hateful and horrible I'd feel close to suicidal. And then I would get up the next day and apologize to him. APOLOGIZE! I would actually apologize for being such a bad person and promise that I would just keep trying harder. I could almost laugh now thinking about the ridiculousness of it. How pathetic I was.

He broke up with me when I gave him the ultimatum that he had to at least try and go one month without drinking. only one month. He broke up with me and kicked me out of my house. The house that I spent everyday cleaning, the house that I found for us on my own, the house that I had unpacked and arranged everything in on my own. And stupid me still paid for an extra two months rent for him, and because my cat had made a whole in the carpet I said he could have my half of the bond as well to get it fixed, because I new he didn't have money. Stupid me still bought groceries for him, even offered to take his stupid ******* lap top to get fixed. And now when my dad has asked if he can go and pick up the last couple of things of mine which are there, (because I have cut off all contact and will not speak with him under any circumstances) he turns around and wants more!!!! he still wants more from me!! and says that I owe him, and once I have arranged to pay him out and get the carpet fixed as well as give him the bond, only then he will give my things back,

You ******* bastard, how dare you, how DARE you even think that after everything you have done to me, taken from me you have the right to ask ANYTHING of me.

There aren't enough tears in the world that you could cry to make up for the heartless bastard that you are.

I hope you rot in hell...

I will never forgive you.

by pitweston Posted on June 9, 2011

It is time for me to get this off my chest. For a long time, I have struggled with the decision of venting about this life changing ordeal. Today is the day I finally express my anger over something that has irked me for a long time. Please don’t be mad at me. You should have seen this coming.

I have been blessed with having a large family. Such a large family brought a hodge podge of opportunities to the table. Like every family, we fought. We fought a lot. At least with so many kids in the family, there was so few times that it was all against one. We teamed up and would pick fights with each others. Fun times. Now that we are older, the fighting is over. No more pouring milk on the other’s head (thanks Erin), no more getting handcuffed to a piano, and no more


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