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Étude de la saga Harry Potter de J.K.Rowling (document en anglais)

Dissertation : Étude de la saga Harry Potter de J.K.Rowling (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mars 2014  •  381 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 780 Vues

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Harry Potter has series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling.

Orphan, Harry Potter is collected by his uncle and his aunt, Dursley, which treat it very hard. They live to the 4, Privet Drive, in Little Whinging, in Surrey, in England. During the summer 1991, little before its eleventh birthday, Harry receives a letter inviting it to present itself at the time of the re-entry of the classes at the school of sorcery of Poudlard.

In spite of the operations of his uncle and his aunt it to prevent from there going, Rubeus Hagrid, one “half-giant” sent by Albus Dumbledore, the director of Poudlard.

He will make discover in Harry the world of the wizards and will take it along to the station of King' S Cross of London, where he will take Poudlard Express which will lead it to its new school.

Harry thus discovers the existence of the wizards, who live with the “Moldus” (people which does not have any magic capacity) while hiding them, but also the large celebrity of which it is proud: it is indeed regarded as “the Survivor” since, ten years earlier, its parents, the wizards Lily Evans and James Potter, were killed by Lord Voldemort (his real name is tom jedusor) called “That-Of which-One--Must-Not-Pronounce-The-Name”, a large black magus. Every people said to Harry that they had died in a car accident. It was then caught some in Harry, but failed: Harry survives, whereas Lord Voldemort disappears.

Once in Poudlard, Harry and his baquette will learn how to control and use the magic capacities which he has and will be made two very good friends: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

After selection by magic Choixpeau, it enters the house of Gryffondor and is made very good friends.

He enters quickly the team of Quidditch of her house, a very popular collective sport at the wizards being practised on flying brushes.

In the other episodes Harry discovers that Voldemort has 7 horcrux, in fact objects have part of the life of Voldemort and it by destroying them that Harry is concealed voldemort. All the episodes tell the life of Harry, his friends and his family which tries to help Harry to destroy the orcruxs and with the final Lord Voldemort.


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