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Spaces and Exchanges : How much of an economical impact can screen toursim make on a place ?

Dissertation : Spaces and Exchanges : How much of an economical impact can screen toursim make on a place ?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  272 Mots (2 Pages)  •  855 Vues

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Spaces and Exchanges

        In the notion Spaces and Exchanges I'vs decided to talk about the Screen Tourism. It describes the effects that film and TV-productions can have on our travel decisions as they inspire people to exprience the screened places firsthand. Today I'll answer to this question : How much of an economical impact can screen toursim make on a place ?

        More and more people choose their trip location based on their favorite show. In fact people tend to choose a package tour to visits all the locations where the serie is shot. To illustrate my point we can choose differents exemples like Breaking Bad in Albuquerque, Lord of the Ring in New Zealand or Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland I personnaly choose to talk about the latest. Back in the early 2000 Northern Ireland was not the dreamt destinations for many but as soon as the shows began it became a very popular subject and thus bringing people's attention on things like the places where the serie was being shot. Today we can see a lot of people traveling there to embody the role of their favorite characters. All this tourism boosted the economy of this country by multiplicating by 12% the number of jobs in arts and entertainment. It also created demand in the hotel and restauration industry.

        To sum up, screen tourism can have a very impactful economical boost on a city or even a country according to the popularity of the shows being shot there.


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