- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Vocabulaire et tournures de phrases en anglais.

Fiche : Vocabulaire et tournures de phrases en anglais.. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Novembre 2016  •  Fiche  •  646 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 355 Vues

Page 1 sur 3

Structure :

next to /near

in front of =/=behind

in the foreground =/= in the background

in the upper part / at the top

in the lower part / at the bottom

on the left handside / on the left =/= on the right hand side / on the right

in the central part

in the middle

What can you see?

The picture is composed of …...(number) parts.

… there is / are … / we can see....

It is … (position: on the left/right/…)

In this picture, the character is (Vb)-ing .../ the characters are (Vb) ...


The characters look as if ...

The viewer has the impression that ...

The painting is vivid / happy / expressive, etc.

The picture makes the viewer feel … (sad/happy, etc)

The picture inspires the viewer to think about …

Structure :

next to /near

in front of =/=behind

in the foreground =/= in the background

in the upper part / at the top

in the lower part / at the bottom

on the left handside / on the left =/= on the right hand side / on the right

in the central part

in the middle

What can you see?

The picture is composed of …...(number) parts.

… there is / are … / we can see....

It is … (position: on the left/right/…)

In this picture, the character is (Vb)-ing .../ the characters are (Vb) ...


The characters look as if ...

The viewer has the impression that ...

The painting is vivid / happy / expressive, etc.

The picture makes the viewer feel … (sad/happy, etc)

The picture inspires the viewer to think about …

Structure :

next to /near

in front of =/=behind

in the foreground =/= in the background

in the upper part / at the top

in the lower part / at the bottom

on the left handside / on the left =/= on the right hand side / on the right

in the central part

in the middle

What can you see?

The picture is composed of …...(number) parts.


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