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To what extent can female villains help change the perception of women in society?

Commentaire d'oeuvre : To what extent can female villains help change the perception of women in society?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Mai 2023  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  335 Mots (2 Pages)  •  384 Vues

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To what extent can female villains help change the perception of women in society?


Start with the traditional perception of women:

Clichés:         a woman’s place is in the kitchen or with the children

                They have to act dumb and innocent: they have to dress like sweet little things (in pink!) and put make-up on.

                A woman who cannot have children has no purpose in life

                A woman is nothing without a man: damsels need to be rescued by charming princes (see fairy tales)

However, literature, movies and series also portray female villains: Beckie in Vanity Fair (Thackeray), Mrs Danvers in Rebecca (Daphné du Maurier), Annie in Misery (Stephen King / Robert Reiner), Claire Underwood in House of cards (Netflix series), Gertrude in Gertrude talks back (M Atwood), the bride in Kill Bill (Q Tarentino) + any other character that you would like to mention…. do not show that traditional image of women.

So, we can wonder to what extent female villains can change the perception of women in society.


  1. These characters portray strong women:
  1. Physically strong (Kill Bill)
  2. Mentally strong (Beckie / Claire Underwood)

  1. They are clever
  1. They take power in a world dominated by men (Claire Underwood)
  2. They manipulate men (Becky uses her assets to manipulate men into giving her a better position in society)
  3. They lie, manipulate, use violence to get what they want (Annie in Misery and Mrs Danvers in Rebecca)
  1. Women are capable of revenge
  1. In a non-violent way (The mother in three bill boards/ Beckie tries to take her revenge on a society that condemned her to poverty and weakness)
  2. Violently (Kill Bill / Gertrude)


Using your reflection in parts 1, 2 and 3, give your personal answer to the question.


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