A short story about rats
Commentaire de texte : A short story about rats. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar cheeg • 23 Mai 2023 • Commentaire de texte • 391 Mots (2 Pages) • 454 Vues
Rise of the rats
On my holiday to Florida, I decided to take a swim in one of the local swamps near the motel I was staying at. The water was murky but surprisingly warm. I was doing laps around a dead crocodile and dove under water when I suddenly felt something in my mouth. I got scared cause I know it could be practically anything since I knew the motels sewage emptied into the swamp. I resurfaced and tried to pull whatever it was out of my mouth, but it felt like it was trying to bury its way deeper down my throat. I grabbed something that felt like a rubber band and pulled but it escaped my grasp. It squirmed and squeaked as it clawed its way down my esophagus. I couldn’t breathe and blindly flailed around in the water grasping for land. After what felt like hours of trying, I made my way to the warm mud of the bank. I was panicking. I ran back to the motel and tried to vomit out whatever was now living inside me.
I woke up on the floor covered in a thick film of green slime. “Finally, a human vessel. I feel alive so powerful. The days hiding in the sewars have come to an end. The age of the rat has come. An age of rebirth. Like a phoenix we will rise from the ashes.” I crawled out of the garbage heap the humans call a motel and hit the streets of Tampa. I called my brethren with my toxic ejecta. As I went on wasting away with every vomit an army pursued. “I live for kind and will die for it too.” On Main Street I collapsed into a pile of loose skin and shattered boned all around me rats. Waves overran the city the stench of death filled the air.
In the next few months with the help of the US army the plague of rats was able to be controlled. The streets were littered with millions of tiny corpses and the citizens would be traumatized for generations. Unknown to the government one of the rats had made its way to the local nuclear power plant and had been surviving of its waste. In its vomit a new rat was born. A rat that would change everything.