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Metropolization process and social segregation in NYC

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Par   •  22 Avril 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  1 024 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 110 Vues

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Metropolization process and social segregation in NYC

NYC is a global city facing Metropolization process located in the BosWash megalopolis, at the core of international networks. It is divided in 5 boroughs : Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island and the Queens. But these boroughs are marked by growing social inequalities. In fact, one out of five New Yorkers is poor, the city has more than 35 000 homeless people and rents are among the most expensive ones in the world. These highly expensive rents and social inequalities are illustrated by the map drawn by The Huffington Post, March 2015 and by an article published in The Telegraph, on November 17th 2015

I Social inequalities in New York

New York City’s the most populated city of the United states indeed its inhabitants are twice superior to the second one Los Angeles (3.7 million people). Its population ballooned to 8.1 million people in 2010 for 300 square miles. Thus, New York City’s is a very dense city. Housing is therefore an issue, a limited commodity in the city. More people still rent than owe in New York City

more people still rent than own in New York City.

The map illustrates the height and inequalities of New York City’s rent.

We observe that parts of New York City which present the highest rents are Manhattan, the North West of Brooklyn and the Eastern Queens : these areas are the richest areas of New York city.

The areas which present middle rents are the Queens except the East side and Staten Island.

And the areas which present the lowest rents are in the Bronx and in Brooklyn in the center and the Northern part of it. As for these areas, they represent the poorest parts of New York City, infact, the Bronx is « New York’s poorest districts”.

This map mostly points out social inequalities, rents therefore housing are are much better and more expensive in the richest areas, they contains “high towers luxuries”, houses whereas, in poor areas none of these luxuries housing exists.

New Yorkers’ total annual rental average is the equivalent of Vermont GDP which is a measure of wealth created in a given region for a given year. This means that Vermont’s total wealth amounts to New Yorkers’ total annual rental average which is absolutely shocking because Vermont is a State of the United States even though it is one of the smallest one.

As we previously said it, there are a lot of rental inequalities, which creates social inequalities. For instance, inhabitants of Manhattan earn more than 75 000$ per year whereas inhabitants of the Bronx earn less than 25 000$ per year. This means that Manhattan’s inhabitants earn 3 times more than the Bronx’s inhabitants whereas these areas are only separated by a border. Nevertheless, social inequalities cause social segregation. In fact, the phenomenon of metropolization is a process aiming at organising the territory around an urban space. However, it greatly aggravates the socio-spatial segregation within the city. In Manhattan,


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